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    Changing For the Better – (Chapter: I Only Know That I Can Change Everything Else Just Stays The Same)

    When I opened my eyes, I found the setting had changed drastically. I was no longer surrounded by bodies in a club, but in Ashley’s bed with a major headache. My brain was pounding into my skull. Waves of pain would crash into my brain causing me to flinch involuntarily. It felt like I was being pressed under cement. That might actually feel better than this.

    “What’s going on?” I asked completely bewildered and confused beyond belief. I was losing it. I could tell I was starting to freak out from the drastic change of scenery. I could feel myself losing it, but I couldn’t hold it together. Ashley looked over seeing I was awake, and sat down on the bed next to me.

    “How do you feel?” Ashley asked with a worried expression written all over her face.

    “My head feels like it’s going to explode,” I moaned. Ashley already seemed to be ready. On the night stand, there sat a glass of water and three ibuprofen. She handed them to me, and I swallowed them knowing it was going to take a while for it to even kick in. I could feel her pressing her hand against my heated forehead. “Thank you,” was all I said before zoning out and trying to put the pieces of my memory together. I wasn’t working. “What happened?”

    “That’s what I was going to ask you,” Ashley replied.

    “We came to the club to find you passed out left in the bathroom with a note on you.” She handed me the note cautiously. Her facial expressions only added to my anxiety attack coming on. Sitting there for a second, I waited for my eyes to focus the words. When the words finally stopped all blurring together, I was finally able to decipher the message. “Pay backs a bitch,” was all it said. But those words were enough to stun me. They felt so familiar in so many ways. Where have a heard that before? I searched my mind looking for the last place I remembered hearing that same phrase, shit. It hit me. Everything came flooding back, and I figured out what probably happened.

    Ashley seemed to have gotten the vibe I understood, because she looked at me patiently waiting for me to explain.

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    1. I’m glad Spencer finally opened up to Ashley about her past and Ashley didn’t run away. Spencer had a rough past and she needs to keep a distance between herself and her former friends. PMASAP.

    2. well she got it off her chest but did they just drug her or did they do more while she was out or try to do more while she was out but aiden and ash got there, pms

    3. wow that was some story!! i can understand why spencer was so screwed up. Holding that all in would kill even the strongest person. I’m so glad Ashley stayed, I figured she would! Great update! pms!

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