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    Our Way – (Chapter: The Day Before Christmas)

    Spencer grabbed a nicely cut picture of her and Ashley and began applying glue to the back of it. She was almost finishing up her scrapbook for Ashley’s Christmas present.

    “Almost got it….” Spencer whispered to herself as she steadily tried to paste the picture onto the very expensive paper. “There!”

    She picked up the book and held it in front of her. “She’s gonna love it, cause I do” she squealed.

    Ashley grabbed her guitar from it’s post and sat it on her lap. “Hello, my friend. We haven’t talked in awhile.” She said caressing it. “Why don’t we get right to it, shall we?”

    She picked up her lyric book and flipped through the pages. The book flipped open to a song called Lawrence which was written by Mia Rose.

    Ashley held the guitar in her arms and began to strum the chords.

    every word I write
    im always thinking about you
    Every song i sing
    is with you’re face painted in my mind

    I need you to realize
    How much I need you in my life
    You keep me alive
    And ill always fight for you

    Cuz I love you
    And I need you
    Lawrence you are my guiding light
    To whats true
    thats me and you
    forever my heart is in your hands….

    Every smile i make
    is so true cuz im truly happy
    Every day i awake
    I thank god for giving me you

    well i know sometimes
    Ive made mistakes
    Ive gone and choose the wrong way
    But I need you to know
    that ill always love and only need you

    Ashley smiled loving that the lyrics felt like it was written for the way she felt.

    Katelyn sat in her room clueless. Her body flat on her bed, pillows slowly falling off the edge. She groaned slamming her fist onto the cushioned mattress. “What the hell am I supposed to get her!” She yelled into her pillow.

    She turned over and leaned to open her side-bed drawer. The drawer opened revealing a Sarah Dessen book Just Listen. She flipped to the creased page and popped in her Jason Mraz CD hoping that a little time off from thinking will help her.

    Katelyn woke up to a bright, sun lit room. Her eyes lowered to her book which laid down on her chest. She turned to her alarm clock.

    10:00 AM

    Dec 25

    “Fuck!” Katelyn yelled jumping out of bed. She paced her room quickly slurring every curse word known to man.

    She ran to her arts and craft drawer and spilled out all of its materials. She grabbed a pencil and a piece of paper and began drawing. Katelyn needed to make the best drawing she can in 2 hours.


    1. okay, so ive been reading this story ever since the first chapter and i can safely say that im in love with it. it makes me so happy with all of its cuteness, and i got a little sad when jessica loved spencer because i thought that it would affect spashley, but you did a great job so that it wouldnt and that just fills me up with joy because spashley is so perfect and it doesnt deserve to be messed with. this chapter was great and i really hope that katelyn draws a really beautiful picture of jessica because i so love them together. JATELYN AND SPASHLEY FOREVER AND EVER!!! please PMS!!!!!! RIGHT NOW!!!

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