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    My Drug – (Chapter: Homecoming)

    It was Homecoming week at school. I don’t know what was so damn special about this week. All it meant was people sometimes dress up in school colors, and Friday we don’t have class. Instead we play basketball tournaments, and the jocks always win. The people who never play basketball just end up humiliating themselves completely when they can‘t even get the ball to hit the rim. Then after that we go to some variety show where people try and show off talents they really don’t have. I swear they intentionally line up people who can’t sing, and then laugh as they wear ear plugs. This year, I’m bringing my ipod. Last but not least, there’s a pep rally, where we‘re all stuffed into an overcrowded gym. And no matter where you go, you always end up next to the kid with really bad b.o. I don’t really believe in school spirit either. I think the whole thing is a hoax the government set up or something. I mean school spirit? What’s next join the army for your country?

    As you can see I don’t really get all excited for Homecoming week, so I usually just end up skipping school Friday, but this year was different. This year in order to go to the dance later we had to be in school. Why I wanted to go to the dance? Well if you haven’t gotten the jest of it yet, that’s where Spencer was going to be. She promised she’d teach me to dance. And if you’ve ever seen me dance, you’d know I need some serious help.

    So I went to school and I gritted my teeth. I watched the idiots run around with there chest painted in Cobra colors. By the way, how do they decide those colors fit a Cobras? I think they just pick a random animal and random colors. I mean since when are Cobras green? I was thinking more of a dull brown or something fucked up like that. Personally, I think they must have been fucking color blind.

    Spencer, on the other hand, loves Homecoming. She’s a cheerleader who’s dating the star football player. Yep, Casey is the star quarter back. I guess the one good thing about her being a cheerleader though, is that I get to watch her cheer during the pep rally. That was definitely the highlight of my homecoming day.

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