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    Someone who can break me? – (Chapter: Emo bestfriends)

    Im so lonely, im mr lonely, i have nobody to call my own….

    "IM SO LONELY!" 

    Woke up in the middle of the night, noticed my girl wasnt by my side….

    "Wish i had a boy by my side"

    The song came to an ending as Aiden took another swig of his beer and pressed Next.

    Even tho i try to play it off im thinkin about you all day long and i cant wait for shorty to come through… 

    I cant breath when you talk to me, i cant breath when your touching me, i suffocate when your away from me, so much love you take from me, im going out of my mind…

    Ashley and Aiden sang in unison word for word..

    "Damnit AID! im tired of seeing you so depressed like this!You know you havent had a boyfriend in like 5 years. well ever since you were all in love with Jeff, and then you broke up with him because you were afraid to take your relationship to the next step."

    "Ash, shut up. at least you have someone to "suffocate" over"

    Ashley felt her heart drop and she suddenly became very sad

    "Thats not cool fool, why you gotta bring that shit up? you know how hard it is for me to not think about her? why do you think i love this song so much. it has so much meaning. All i do is hurt for her."

    "Ash, can you kill me when im sleeping?"

    Aiden took another swig of his beer before lieing down on the bed. Ashley did the same..

    "Fool shut up! you dont want to die. you will find that guy eventually."

    "No i wont. every guy that is attracted to me are sluts!"

    "Just because someone has had sex before doesnt make them a slut"

    "Trust me they are. I mean damn i like Tracey so much, but he is a slut to and he will never get over Jacob and i wont ever get over him wanting to be with Jacob, ugh i need another beer."

    "Grab me one too yeah?"

    Aiden came back upstairs with 2 beers in hand. He handed one to Ashley and they both took a good sized chug. They sat in silence for a while. both understanding each others feelings…

    "Just go for it fool! All you do is talk about him all the time!"

    "Naww" Aiden drifted off to sleep…

    As im sitting here, i cant get her off my mind. every song that comes on is so depressing and it just makes me hurt for her more.

    Ashley was shaken out of her thoughs by a loud thud, she turned around and couldnt help but laugh. Aidan had sleepily fell over and hit his head on the wall spilling his beer all over him

    "Wow i just spilled my beer all over my neck" Aidan spoke sleepily then once again drifted off to sleep….

    theres more to come just tryna figure out how ima write the whole meeting spencer scene. and im just sad these days..i never was too much of a writer..but this helps.

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