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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 3)

    Spencer’s Dorm Room at UCLA

    “Almosttt….donneeee.” Spencer said typing in her last few words. “There!” She smiled to herself knowing that she accomplished her article. She sent it to the editor before turning off her laptop.

    Tyler turned over to his side and turned on his bed-side lamp. “Jeez Spence, keep it down. Some people aren’t nocturnal.”

    Spencer looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. “Just go to sleep.”

    “What were you writing anyways?”

    “Just my article about the Alpha Zeta Alpha party and the president.”

    “That hot chick?” Tyler asked a little more into it.

    “I guess, that’s the same girl were talking about, why?”

    “Nothing, I was just wondering.”

    “Oh okay. Well I’m gonna go wash up and then I’m gonna hit the hay.”


    Days Later

    Ashley laid down her Powerpuff girl towel down on the grass and turned over to her sisters, “So like there was like this guy right and he was like all like trying to hit on me.” Ashley said as she stretched out on her towel in her bikini.

    “Eww, really. Guys just don’t like get it, ya know. I mean like they know like your unavailable. They should like back off cause they know you’re not looking for like a boyfriend, right?”

    Ashley faced saddened. “Yeah, your totally right.”

    A couple guys passed by kicking around soccer ball and whistled at the group of girls. “Hey sexy lady.” One of them said and nodded over to Ashley. She frowned at them at stuck up the middle finger. Spencer who was watching from under a tree placed her book down next to her and looked on.

    “Why don’t you like get like back to like your like sunbathing?!?” He said in his best girly voice.

    Ashley glanced at them for one second before standing up. “You know what. Mind your own fuckin’ business. Can’t you guys go on for one day without trying to make a woman feel slutty? Sexy lady, really now? Do you want this? Do you like my fuckin’ body?”

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