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    Rester Avec Moi – (Chapter: 5)

    Spencer and Ashley sat side by side in the theatre as the movie began to start. Spencer leaned over, “I’m really scared.” Ashley turned to her with caring eyes. Don’t worry. She mouthed and handed her the bucket of popcorn. She stuck her hand in the bucket and pulled out a handful of popcorn and stuffed it into her mouth.

    The movie was starting and Ashley already noticed Spencer’s heavy breathing. She laughed to herself before resting her head on her shoulder. She felt Spencer’s body relaxed as her breathing was under control.

    “Trust me it isn’t that scary.” Ashley whispered.

    “I swear I’m gonna regret this.”

    “It’s okay, I’m here.”

    “If you ever get up from your seat, I swear I will grab your arm and pull you down.”

    “Aggressive much?”

    “I’m just not used to this.”

    “Oh my god. No, no, no, no, don’t go near there.” Spencer whispered repeatedly as the movie showed a girl walking toward a dark room.

    “Don’t go there!” She screamed loudly making the whole theatre shush her. The loud music boomed and Spencer screamed. Ashley looked at her and laughed. “Calm down. There was nothing there.”

    “I so hate you right now.” She grunted pouting her lips.

    “Aww, why?”

    Spencer turned away from her and curled up to into a ball. Ashley shook her head and removed the arm rest that separated them. She scooted over to Spencer and placed her arm around her. “Hey, I didn’t think it would scare you that much.”

    Spencer ignored her. “Spencer, c’mon.” She whispered. “Hey, seriously, I don’t like you being scared.

    “Then why’d you bring me here then.” Spencer mumbled.

    “I didn’t think that it would scary you that much.”

    Spencer kept to herself. “Look I’m sorry.” Ashley whispered in her ear. Spencer turned around and looked at her angrily.

    “I can keep you close to me, if your that scared.” Ashley asked. Spencer nodded and Ashley didn’t protest. She pulled her close to her resting Spencer’s head on her chest. “Better?”


    The two walked towards Spencer’s Dorm Room arms linked as they laughed hysterically cracking jokes after jokes after jokes.

    “Okay, I got one. Your momma is so fat when she put on a yellow jacket everyone called TAXI!”

    Ashley looked over at her and laughed smacking her hand on her thigh. “How is that even humanly possible?” Spencer shrugged her shoulders letting out a small giggle.

    They finally reached Spencer’s door and the two looked at each other.

    “Today was fun.”

    “Yeah, thanks for inviting me.” Ashley replied.

    “Remember you owe me big time.”

    “Yeah, yeah, we’ll talk about it later.” She said and wrapped her arms around Spencer giving her a big hug.

    “You Alpha Zeta Alpha girls are so huggable.”

    “Aren’t we?”

    Spencer let go and smiled. Ashley blushed lightly as she looked on. The two fell silent as they both stood there. Ashley inched her way closer to her as her eyes began to close. She leaned in and finally they kissed. A strong sensation went through her as she placed her hands on her cheeks bringing her closer.

    Spencer backed away and looked at her with confused eyes.

    “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too.” Ashley stuttered.

    “I…I have to go. Bye.”

    “Wait, when can I see you again?”

    Spencer shook her head and escaped to the safety of her dorm room. A tear fell down Ashley’s face knowing that she did something wrong. She cursed at herself and kicked the wall letting out all her anger. “Damn it, Ashley!” She screamed into her hands.

    Spencer on the other side of the door sighed loudly hearing the heartbroken Ashley. Her eyes watered as her breathing began to sharpen.

    “Spencer?” Tyler mumbled.

    “Hey, how are you?”

    “Can you tell that idiotic girl outside our room to shut up?”

    “I’m sorry, it’s my fault.” Spencer mumbled. She took off her heels and slipped under her covers.


    1. Well the movie part was cute. The kiss was cute too untill spencer got scared or something. I hope they work things out. Pms =) oh and good luck with the older girl lol I’d be nervous hopefully you won’t be lol.

    2. awww man fix em…please all in all it was a very cute update cept for the end. Fix em. anyway don’t be nervous around tha older girl just be urself and chillllllllllllllllllllll :D PMSLater Dayz

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