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    All Alone – (Chapter: Everybody Deserves a Happy Ending Right?)

    Exhaling, I took a deep breath and braced myself. I was nervous, but I was happy. Part of me is still amazed that this day ever came. My hands shook slightly in anticipation, and I could subconsciously feel myself bite my lip, a nervous habit. But I felt a smile wash over my face when I saw her entered the room. Her presence seemed to cascade light over all the dim spaces and insecurities in my mind. She smiled back, easing my nerves.

    Taking my hand in hers, I felt her lace her fingers with mine.

    “Ready?” Ashley asked?

    “I think so,” I smiled. She squeezed me hand in reassurance, before we began our walk.

    It has been five years since the incident that night. Waking up in the hospital was my wake up call. You think it would have been that night on the beach, but I guess I really did have to be close to the end to see things more clearly. Life’s funny that way. If you don’t get the message the first time, well then expect a bigger message next time.

    After that I decided that I really did need help. I started seeing someone, and Ashley was there for me every step of the way. She never did leave me, and I don’t why it took me so long to figure out that she never would. I don’t know I’ve ever seen her more upset then that night. I guess that made me realize that the only way I could stop hurting her was if I stopped hurting myself… easier said than done. Now the only time we fight is over stupid things like who used the last of the toilet paper and didn’t replace the roll, and no matter how many times I try to blame it on Kyla, it never works. One of these days though, it’s actually going to be Kyla’s fault. One of these days… Instead though, she raids the fridge and eats all the food.

    Ashley helped me get a lawyer so I could get legally emancipated from my parents. I haven’t seen them in years by now, but sometimes it still hurts thinking about them, or at least thinking about what they should have been. I actually did start talking to Glen a lot after that night. He’s actually around all the time now. He’s even filled the spot of annoying and overbearing brother, but I’m happy he’s here.

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