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    Under Qualified – (Chapter: Confessions In The Dark)

    The next day at school was miserable. Every time I looked in her direction, she flat out refused to make eye contact with me. She sat like always on the ground with her back to the wall. Her ipod released her thoughts to a steady rhythm, her jaw was clenched, almost as if trying to hold back emotion. I just wish she’d make eye contact with me. I needed to someone show her with my eyes, convey everything I was feeling, try to show her that she isn’t the only one who’s hurting. But she never looked once…


    After school wasn’t any better. Cheerleading practice was a flop. All it was, was a bunch of hot uncoordinated girls trying to do complex routines. And when you do the math, uncoordinated girls + complex routines = disaster, and a more miserable me. So instead of dealing with it, I let Madison do her thing while I just nodded on occasion. I wanted to scream out loud, cause inside I was going to explode. I barely knew this girl, and yet she had managed to already become practically the only important thought that resounded in my head. Her face was engraved into my brain, cause deep down I knew it would be a tragedy to ever forget it. She’d turned my world upside down, but the thing was, I kind of liked it

    If my day couldn’t get any worse, when I pulled up at my house, my mom was home. As soon as I stepped inside and saw the look on her face, I could already tell there was going to be some sort of lecture. Just what I needed.

    “Spencer, Alex called,” she stated. Of course he did.

    “I have to study,” I mumbled tiredly.

    “At least call him back,” she urged. She was always pushing him like he was suppose to be the most important thing in my life.

    “Did, did anybody else call?” I asked hesitantly.

    “No, are you expecting a call?”
    “No, it’s nothing,” I replied disappointed even though I knew she probably didn’t call.

    “So how is cheerleading?”

    “Alright,” I replied in short sentences hoping she’d grasp the concept that I just wanted her to leave me alone.

    “Are you guys going to be ready by Thursday’s game?” she glared at me like I had done something wrong.

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    1. dang spencer has a lot of people pressuring her. I’m glad ashley is there and isn’t like every1 else in her life. I just hope ashley is able to handle being with spencer and all that comes with her. post agin soon!

    2. I feel like spencer may have a future breakdown with all the pressure going on around her. Maybe Alex could be a good guy and help her out with Ashley…but then again I dont think Ashley realizes how much this could hurt her. Post More As Soon As You Can!

    3. i have a feeling this whole secret thing is going to back fire and hard…im happy spencer is willing to risk her perfect life to see ashley secretly but spencer really needs to open her eyes and see that a life with ashley as her love is better than being the perfect girl….great update PMS pleaseee

    4. Don’t do it Ashley! Most of us have been there with the secrecy and it hardly ever works out. Spencer needs to grow a backbone and stand-up for herself instead of letting others plan her life for her. I can’t stand parents like that. Great update! PMS!

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