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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 1)

    “Spencer. Spencer Carlin, it’s nice to meet you.” I smiled politely shaking the man’s hand across the table from me.

    “It’s nice to meet you too. I’m Kevin Strong.”

    I leaned back slightly, gently hitting the back of the restaurant chair. He sat there across the table, smiling showing off his white teeth. I didn’t like him already. That smile, it was too much. He probably thinks that he’s gonna get some tonight, great…another guy like him. Blind dates…they never work.

    “So, Spencer what do you do for a living?”

    I looked at him blankly. He wants to know if I work so he can see if I could pay for my half of this dinner. I looked at him and smiled, “I’m currently unemployed.” His faced dropped and I couldn’t help but laugh a little.

    “What’s so funny?” He asked lightly.

    “Nothing.” I said seriously and then let out another laugh. He looked at me and sighed.

    The waitress came by and pulled out her paper pad. “What would you like to drink today? But might I add that today we’re testing out this new wine, would you guys like to try some?”

    I looked over at Kevin and then shrugged. The waitress nodded and slowly poured the wine into our glasses. I read her name tag and smiled. “Thank you, Sarah.”

    “How do you know my-” She stopped and then looked down at her shirt. “Rightttt,” she laughed playing it off.

    “It’s all right, I have those blonde moments.” I said and then pointed up to my hair. “You know.” She smiled at me letting out a little laugh.

    “There you go, at least someone here has a little sense of humor.” I said to Sarah clearly and moved my eyes over to Kevin. She shook her head and rolled her eyes. Men. She mouthed to me and then left.

    “This is gonna be a fun night.” I sighed leaning back into my seat again. Kevin eyed me and then smiled. “Yes…yes it will.”

    I walked around with my friend aimlessly around our local mall. Jaime put her arm around me and nodded. “So, Spence how was that date yesterday?”

    My face fell as I looked at her angrily. She looked at me and laughed. “Sorry, it’s just funny.”

    “I’m trying to get out there, I’m trying.”

    “Yeah, it’s not really working.”

    “Nah! I thought this plan was going perfect!” I replied sarcastically.

    I can’t explain. Don’t understand, but everyday I think about you.

    “Oh great.”


    “The song…it’s playing. Listen.” I said softly.

    “What song?”

    “Spencer…would you like to dance?”

    You make me feel by Donnie J was playing…I can’t explain. Don’t understand, but everyday I think about you…

    I looked up and smiled. There she stood, holding out her hand looking down at me. I took her hand and stood up.

    “What about you’re prom date?”

    “That guy? He means nothing to me. You, you mean everything to me.”

    “You like-”

    “Of course. I’ve always liked you.” Ashley smiled.

    “This song, I like this song.”

    “It should be our song.”

    “Yeah…I like the sound of that. It’s our song.”

    “Donnie J, You make me feel. That’s our song…”

    “Who?” Sarah said acting stupid. I knew she knew who I was talking about.

    “Me and-”


    “Yeah…” I said slowly. “Ashley.”


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