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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 2)

    “Ashley…” I said slowly looking over at her. She sat down on the bench next to me sipping her Jamba Juice and smiled.

    “Yeah, baby?”

    “You’re the best girlfriend ever.”

    “Yeah…I know.” She laughed. I glared at her and punched her lightly. “Ow! What? I can’t think that I’m the best girlfriend eveerrrr?”

    “Just don’t be too cocky about it.”

    “Okay. But do you know what I can brag about?”


    “How much I love you.” Ashley said sweetly with a smile across her face. My face softened as I continued to look at her. She put her arm around me and looked away. People stared at us, they whispered, but she didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything.

    I laid down on the silky blankets that covered my bed. The smooth cool feeling of the silk touched my skin gently. I closed my eyes and just laid there, taking in the silence. A buzz filled the room as my phone began to light up. I looked over to my side and reached for it. Without hesitation I answered it.


    “Spencer, it’s Kevin.”

    I groaned lightly before replying in my unenthusiastic voice, “Heyyyy…you.”

    “So I was thinking do you want to grab something to eat…say around noon time?”

    “I’m actually gonna be hanging out with my friends. Sorry.”

    “Oh…well it’s okay. I’ll try again later.”

    “Okay you go do that.” I said harshly and then closed the phone. Men, they never know when to stop.

    I made my way over to my bookshelf, where I kept my most precious book. All the way off to the side in the corner was the scrapbook that Ashley made for me for our 1 month anniversary present. I pulled it out and made myself comfortable on my couch.

    Pages and pages filled with letters and pictures of us. Ashley had put so much effort into making it and it came out really nice. Everything aligned with everything else. It was perfect…it was too perfect.

    I looked down at my phone. 3 missed calls, 1 new voicemail from Ashley Davies. I sighed lightly gripping my phone tightly in me hand trying to stop myself from calling her.

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    1. spence should have said something instead of just walking away and ashley shouldn’t have just signed off and got upset when spencer didn’t call she should have listened to the explination

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