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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 1)


                “Yo, Aiden, hurry up,” I yelled down the hall.

                “Hold up, D,” Aiden shouted. “I’m comin.”

                The name is D. Actually, it’s Ashley Davies but all my boys call me D. Speaking of boys, mine are the best. Aiden and I have been tight forever. We roll with the Knights of Rage. KOR is my family. They have been for a few years now. I’d do anything for my boys, especially Aiden.

                “Aiden,” I yelled, “you have two minutes and I’m leavin your ass.”

                “I’m comin, I’m comin,” He said walking towards me. “What’s the hurry anyway?”

                “We have an emergency meeting to go to,” I said heading outside.

                “Ashley,” Kyla said. “Where are you going?”

                Kyla is my sister. She means the world to me.  She worries a little bit too much though.

                “Me and Aid got a meeting to go to,” I said.

                “Please be careful,” she said.

                I smiled softly. “Don’t worry,” I said. “I’ll be fine.”

                “Let me know when you get back,” she said.

                I nodded and headed out the door. I drove to the warehouse and we met everyone inside. Aiden and I stood around waiting for the meeting to start. Tommy, the man in charge, stepped out and we all got quiet.

                “Thanks for coming so quickly,” Tommy said. “We got some good news and bad news to talk about tonight. What do you want first?”

                “Good news,” someone shouted.

                “Ok,” Tommy said. “Me and Johnny and Jason have been talking for a while about bringing a few of you up to a higher level. We have decided on two people, D and Aiden.”

                Aiden and I went up and thanked Tommy. “You can’t be serious,” I said to him.

                “D, you and me have been like family forever,” Tommy said. “You’ve done everything we’ve ever asked and done it without question. Same for you Aiden.”

                “Thanks T,” Aiden said.

                “Now, time for the bad news,” Tommy said. “The Society of Shadows is starting trouble again. They shot up Jason’s car last night and broke windows in my crib.”

                “Aw hell no T,” Adam said. “What we gonna do?”

                “We have to retaliate somehow,” Tommy said. “I’m gonna have Aiden and D stay back with me, Johnny, and Jason to come up with a plan. We’ll call a meeting once we get things figured out. So thanks again for comin and we’ll see you in a day or so. Peace.”

                Tommy walked out and Aiden and I followed him. Johnny and Jason were sitting in the side room. I had only seen them a couple times. They basically ran the whole operation and Tommy was their voice.

                “Johnny, Jason,” Tommy said, “here’s Aiden and D.”

                “Good to see you guys,” Johnny said. “The KOR is very happy to have you on the higher level.”

                “We’re happy to be on it,” I said. “What’s on the agenda?”

                “We gotta figure out how to hit the Society of Shadows,” Jason said.

                “Who is their leader?” Aiden asked.

                “Some dude named Sean,” Jason said. “He’s a tough dude.”

                “He’s got some lackeys at King with you two,” Johnny said to me and Aiden.

                “Who are they?” I asked.

                “A chick named Madison and her man, Carlin, I think is his name,” Tommy said.

                “I think I know who Carlin is,” Aiden said.

                “And we all know who Madison is,” I said.

                “Is there something you want us to do with them?” Aiden asked.

                “That’s what we’re tryin to decide,” Johnny said.

                “I know what you guys need to do,” Jason said.


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