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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty One)

    Eric and Spencer gasped frightened. Heather waved the knife in front of herself defensively. Her hand began to shake uncontrollably. Spencer took note of that. Slowly the blonde stepped in front of the driver.

    “Spence, what are you doing,” Eric hissed gripping the blonde’s arm.

    “It’s okay,” Spencer whispered.

    The singer’s eyes widened in panic, “Get back,” Heather growled.

    “You don’t want to do this,” the blonde pressed gently. She quickly glanced down at the singer’s shaky hand. “I can see you don’t want to do this Heather-”

    “Shut up,” the singer grunted.

    “No problem,” Eric chuckled nervously tugging on Spencer’s arm. “Spencer come on-”

    “Give me the knife,” Spencer replied calmly.

    “Are you crazy,” Heather hissed.

    “She’s not the crazy one,” Eric let slip. The singer glared at him. He quickly covered his mouth and silently scolded himself. His mom always said his big mouth would get him killed. He never took that literally of course. The driver made a quick note to himself to start listening to his mother’s advice from now on … if he could make it out of here alive.

    “I’m not crazy,” Heather rushed out gripping the knife tighter. “I’m not!”

    “I believe you,” Spencer replied clamly.


    Ashley walked into the gas station’s bathroom. “Spencer,” she called out. When she got no response she ducked her head checking under the stalls for any feet. There were none. She frowned and made her way out of the bathroom. Aiden stood next to her protectively.

    “Was she in there,” the bodyguard asked.

    “No,” Ashley replied shaking her head. She spotted Clay picking out some food and made her way over to the manager, “Hey, have you seen Spencer,” she asked.

    “I think she went with Eric onto the other bus,” he answered.

    The rocker frowned confused, “Why would she go over there,” she questioned more so to herself. Aiden and Clay shrugged in response. Ashley and her bodyguard exited the store and headed for the second tour bus.

    Suddenly they heard a young woman screech, “Oh my God it’s Ashley Davies!”

    Out of nowhere the rocker was engulfed by a throng of screaming fans clawing at her asking for autographs and pictures among other things. Aiden quickly called over Carrot Top for back up. Fans could tend to get quite out of hand and violent.

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    1. yay ky woke up! I forsee her slapping the crap out of ash if she finds out how ash treated ryan, and once she’s strong enough to lol. spence did take a huge risk in trying to talk heather down, luckily it worked though and things are ok, for now. great update, pms!

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