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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 15 – Let us be free)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 15 – Let us be free


    So this is Aiden. I can honestly say that I am not impressed; I mean Spencer could do a hell of a lot better than this male model wannabe. And why the heck is he the assistant nurse, he doesn’t look like he could even count to 10.

    “Hey Spence, I called you because miss attitude over there won’t let me put the lotion on her back. She’s been refusing to let anyone touch her and then she started ranting about wanting her counsellor” Aiden said in a rather girly voice. And I was not ranting; I was simply trying to get my point out.  

    “Don’t be rude Aiden, her name is Ashley and I’m sure she wasn’t ranting. She just passionate, where’s the lotion, I’ll do it” Spencer replied back heatedly. Wow I never thought Spencer would defend over her boyfriend. Maybe, just maybe she likes me the best and is going to dump his ass? It could happen.

    “I’m sorry babe; I’m just annoyed that I had to leave my group for the day, so I could assist Ms Tiffani. Sorry Ashley.” Aiden said as he turned to face me. I have he a small smile, trying to hide my smugness. I doubt it worked.

    Aiden handed the lotion bottle over to Spencer and gave her peck on the cheek before leaving to go back to the front desk. I watched him till he was out of sight as did Spencer. Once he was gone, Spencer walked over to me and gave me a stern look.

    “Why wouldn’t you just let him put the lotion on you? The irritation only gets worse if you leave it untreated.” Spencer walked behind, squirting the creamy white substance in to the palm of her hand before massaging it on to the inflamed skin on my back.

    “I don’t like people touching me unless I trust them and I’m especially not having your ‘boyfriend’ touch me. And anyway why would I let anyone rub lotion on me when I could have you do it instead?”  I turned round as I spoke so I could see her blush at my words. I gave her a seductive wink, hoping she would get the hint and kiss me again.

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    1. Spencer’s getting a little forceful isn’t she! Great chapter and I think a thanks is also due to Diddle as the pestering apparently paid off!…keep up the good work…both of you! :0)

    2. omg yay!! haha “marry me?” im totaly willing to admitt that i literaly blurted out “what the F***?!” when i read that haha (; but you retaliated its all good pmasap please.

    3. Oh thank God Spencer broke it off with Aiden. Hopefully now the girls can really be together. Can’t wait for your one shot. Awesome update. PMASAP!!!

    4. okay so i cheated and skipped to the last page to see what happened,i know i shouldnt have but i couldnt resist but i did go back and read it from the beging its great pms please :)ps.i read your other storys on the other site aswell but i dont have an account and im too lazy to get one but i wanted to say i love thoose too keep it up :)

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