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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: I'm falling for you. NO, I'm literally falling for you.)

    Her gaze drifted out the window, refusing to look anywhere else. Body language told me that my suspicions were correct, and I didn‘t need a word to tell me what was running through her head. She knew I could read her, but she always acted as if I couldn’t and refused to look at me. I know that up until me she had always had managed to hide her emotions so well from everyone and anyone, but after all this time I knew exactly what she was doing. I’ve played this game with her a millions times. So just like any other time, I played along.

    With one hand on the steering wheel and my gaze focused ahead, I placed my other hand on her knee and gave it a squeeze. Her stare momentarily left the safety of the window to return my gesture with a weak smile. She knew what game we were playing just as well as I did. And just as soon as it had come, her line of sight left and returned to the miles of corn fields that lie ahead of us.

    “Spencer,” I spoke breaking the silence between us.

    “Yeah?” Spencer replied in what seemed like complete monotone.

    “Do you want to get something to eat in the next town?”

    “Sure.” It was a one worded response, but it’s not like I expected her to suddenly become energetic and excited. Due to the circumstances of where we were heading, I think her attitude was just.

    She hadn’t talked in full sentences since she got that phone call a few days ago. But I understood. Spencer had always been this way when it came to problems. She wanted to be strong enough for herself. So she’d never let anyone in or help her even if that could put her in harms way. I tried to act tough, but I wouldn’t even think about attempting some of the shit that she pulls, Spencer the dare devil… I could see my mind wander through the last couple of years. Even the first time I met her she was getting herself in trouble. A familiar memory came to mind, and I couldn‘t help but smile. The first time I ever met Spencer…

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