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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: You're Like A Thorn In My Side. Na, Just Kidding, More Like A Sliver)

    Standing in line at McDonalds, Spencer wasn’t impatient at all this time.

    “What do you want babe?” I asked looking at the menu.

    “Number two,” she replied finally finding two words to fit into her response.

    Getting up the register I ordered, and we got our food.

    I dug into my burger starving since we haven’t stopped all day, but I watched Spencer only take a few bites here and there while she mindlessly stared off into the distance again.

    “Gonna eat anymore?” I asked.

    “I’m not really hungry.” I shook my head knowingly. It didn’t bother me that Spencer was in this glum mood. No, the only thing that bothered me was that after all these years she still insisted on being strong for both of us, even when was the one who clearly was in dire need of assistance. There was once was a time when Spencer would tell me anything. It took what seemed like forever to get her walls down, but I screwed it up. She’s forgiven me, but she hasn’t forgotten. I still kick myself for screwing it up. Day by day I can feel us getting back closer to the way we used to be, but until that day, her walls will remain up.

    Half the time I like this strong characteristic about her. It kind of gives a little mystery to her, but the other half I wish I could just tear down that wall she hid behind and smash it to pieces.

    I guess she’s just a born fighter. Literally. She has gotten into numerous fights with people. Getting to know her, this made it a little hard at times. You got to see the outside, but in the beginning, her eyes were the only way in…

    Ever since the roller coaster incident I have been getting to know this girl that landed in my arms. She gave me her number, and it turns out she lives in a town right next to mine. She gave me the basics. She lived in Minnesota with her mom, dad, and brothers. Typical house, typical jobs, typical income, they were just another traditional catholic family. This almost surprised me cause of how different Spencer seemed from anybody else I knew.

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