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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Introductions are always slightly awkward on an empty stoamch)

    “Wakey wakey Spence,” I chimed shaking her shoulders.

    “What, where are we?” Spencer asked rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

    “We’re in Minnesota sweety,” I replied carefully watching her expression. “I’m going to fill up quick, and we’re about three hours away. You should get out and stretch.” Getting out of the car, I untwisted the cap, and began to watch the numbers climb to a ridiculously high number. Leaning up against the car, I couldn’t help but sigh.

    When I went inside to pay, Spencer was coming out of the bathroom looking tired and more afraid then I may have ever seen her. She walked out of the store and headed back to the car.

    By the time I got back to the car, Spencer had returned to her window once again. Starting up the engine, I took her free hand and tried to reassuringly rub circles on the back of her hand. It must have worked at least slightly, because I watched her shoulders fall a little as the tensions cleared.

    These little gestures were some of the only things that Spencer would allow me to comfort her with. But I consider myself lucky, because she wouldn’t let anyone else even do that. So I made sure to take advantage of it when I could. I didn’t let go of her hand. Instead I just continued to rub comforting circles as I pulled back onto the highway. Driving one handed isn’t that hard.

    I guess Spencer decided she couldn’t afford to keep meeting at places that took money, because she invited me over to hang at her house.

    Pulling up at her house, I felt nervous for some reason. I’ve never been real good with parents. Not that I have a problem with them, I’m just kind of shy. They try to make conversation, but I’m too nervous to ever come up with a smart sounding reply. Instead I nod my head or fake a laugh.

    Walking up Spencer’s driveway, I knocked on her door. Waiting for a reply, I rocked back and forth on my heels, taking this time to observe the new surrounding.

    “Hey Ash,” Spencer opened the door and greeted me.

    “Hey Spence,” I replied feeling somewhat relieved that it wasn’t one of her family members that opened the door.

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    1. An hour away from where? I can’t take this waiting to find out, I’m very impatient. It’s good to see Spencer laughing for a change. Excellent update. PMASAP!!!

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