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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Midnight Skies Are Perfect For Hiding Secrets)

    Pulling up to the house was like taking a trip down memory lane. It looked exactly like it did three years ago. The only things that have changed are Spencer, me, and the circumstances.

    Sighing, I looked over at Spencer. “Are you ready Spence?”

    “Now or Never,” she breathed before opening the car door and stepping into familiar territory.

    “God, it feels weird just being back here,” I stated feeling the afternoon breeze hit my face.

    “Good old Minnesota,” Spencer mumbled before doing something that surprised me. She grabbed my hand. She was the one who grabbed my hand when she needed it, instead of me having to take a hold of hers.

    “It’s going to be ok Spence,” I assured her squeezing her hand. “We’re going to get through this.”

    “I know,” she replied being strong like always even when it was my job to take care of her. “I know…”

    “Hey,” I greeted Spencer throwing my bag onto the dock.

    “Heya back,” she smiled at my appearance, her blue eyes shining still deep within the crisp night.

    “So what are we doing here anyways?” I asked curious about what she had in mind.

    “My dad used to bring me here when I was younger,” she smiled, the brillant moonlight lighting up her features. “At night no ones really around, and it’s really beautiful.”

    “Do you guys own a boat?” I asked looking around the harbor.

    “My dad used to own a sail boat a long time ago,” she seemed to fade away into the past. “So what did you tell your parents?” she asked snapping back to reality.

    “I just told them I was spending the night at your house, cause I didn’t think they’d be real receptive to the idea of me hanging out on the harbor all night. What did you tell yours?”

    “My mom’s working, so I just told my dad the truth.”

    “Really?” I asked somewhat surprised. “We need to trade parents,” I joked.

    “I still haven’t met your parents,” Spencer stated plopping down on the dock.

    “Ah, they’re usually not around,” I replied taking a seat next to her and starring up at the midnight sky. “Usually I have to tell the maid where I’m going.”

    “I’m sorry.”

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    1. How did ashley mess up with spencer? And why did they go back to Minnesota? Did someone die? So many questions you have to answer. Please PMS!!!!!!!!!!!

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