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    It Always Goes Back to Us – (Chapter: 4)

    “C’mon, let’s dance.” Jaime yelled over the loud music that filled the club. She reached for my arm pulling me away from the bar as she made her way towards the already crowded dance floor. Her head bounced to the beat of the music trying to find her rhythm. I looked over at her and smiled and began to also feel the rhythm. She grabbed me and turned me around and began to dance on me. I felt as if I was still in high school, feeling the slight thrust of her hips into me.

    My eyes closed when I started to get into it. A couple guys came over and joined the line of bumping and grinding that we originally started.

    “Can you be a little more gentle, you’re hurting me.” I said to the guy who was behind me.

    “Can I get your number?”

    I looked at him and stopped dancing. “Can you at least have the decency to ask me for my name first?”

    “What’s your name?”

    I glared at him and left. Men. I walked myself to the bar ignoring Jaime who was calling out my name.

    “Can I get a shot of vodka?” I said straight out to the waitress in front of me.

    “Isn’t that a little rough?”

    “Did I ask for you opinion?”

    She put her hands up. “I’m sorry for butting it, geez.” She took out of a shot glass and poured vodka into it and pushed it over to me. I reached for my wallet.

    “Hey, don’t it’s on the house.” She said lightly. “Don’t hate me, please. I didn’t do anything.”

    I eased up as my face softened. “Sorry, I was a little rude.”

    “No, it’s okay. Rough night?”

    “How about, a rough 10 years.” I replied before taking the shot glass and chugging it down. My face winced from the burning of the vodka. “Another one please?”

    She poured me another shot and passed it to me. She wiped off her hands on her jeans and set her elbows on the counter, interested. “Why do you say that?”

    “I’ve been miserably, single.”

    “Someone broke you’re heart?”

    “Yeah…she did.” I said softly.

    The waitress looked at me for a second confused. I guess her nodding after a while signified her understanding.

    “So you’re…?”

    “Gay? Yeah, why?”

    “Well…I didn’t really think of you as a lesbian.” She replied slowly.

    “You have really bad gaydar.”


    She nodded her head and smiled. “I’m Blake.”


    “Well, it was nice to meet you Spencer.” She stuck out her hand and we shook.

    “1 question. Isn’t Blake a boy name?”

    “Yeah, but I like it. It makes me a little boyish you know. I like that about my name.” Blake replied easily as if she has been asked that question all the time.

    “Yeah, a girl with a boy name is so hot.”

    “Really?” She snickered.

    “I mean…I didn’t mean it like that?”

    “So I’m not hot.”

    I slapped my hand against my forehead. “When I say things it usually comes out the wrong way….But yeah, you are…kinda hot.”

    “Thank you.”


    “And thanks for the 2 shots even though I thought I was gonna be drinking more than that.”

    “I guess you got too caught up with me to continue you’re bad habits.”

    “Maybe…thank you for that too.”

    She nodded again. “Anytime.”

    I looked behind me and saw Jaime almost topless. “I think I should get back to her. Don’t want her to get raped by those men.”

    “Is that your girlfriend?”

    “No. If she was, I would be dancing with her.”


    “So maybe, if you’re not busy this weekend, maybe you’d like to hang out? Get something to eat or catch a movie.”

    “Sure. Here’s my number, call me anytime.” I scribbled down my number on a napkin and passed it to her. “Nice meeting you.” She nodded over at Jaime who was tugging at the hem of her shirt.

    “You should get going…” Blake waved.


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