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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: Burning Eyes and Burnout Souls)

    Pulling up to the building, I couldn’t help but cringe a little. There was a lot of memories that seemed to surround this building. The words chosen, the actions taken, the scars that would never completely heal, this place had something to do with it. But I couldn’t hate it. No, I admired what it stood for and anyone who could believe in it. I never could bring myself to have that kind of faith. I had watched too many people turn their backs on me. I grew up believing that the only people looking out for me was myself and Aiden. And then Spencer…

    Sitting on the steps was a sad lonely girl who was still trying to figure out how she fit into this chaotic world. The one person she had always trusted betrayed her, and now it’s too late to fix it.

    “Hey,” I whispered sitting on the step with her. Her sad eyes looked at me breaking my heart into pieces.

    “Hey,” she replied with tear stained cheeks, and with tears still coming. I didn’t try to wipe them away this time. I could tell she needed to grieve, but I didn’t want her to have to do it alone.

    “I thought you might be here,” I spoke softly letting my voice flow with the slumbering night life.

    “He loved this place,” she stated looking up at the building. “The church was like his second home.”

    “Spencer,” said bringing her attention to me. “He loved you.” I watched her process my words looking confused, almost as if she had expected the opposite.

    “How could he?” she asked denying it. “I wasn’t who I was supposed to be,” she sighed as her head fell into her hands.

    “Through everything, he did love you,” I repeated. “He was just confused Spencer. He, he didn’t always understand…”


    When Aiden walked through the door, I didn’t believe he was actually here for Spencer at first. But it was too hard to deny. Why else would he be here?

    “Aiden,” Arthur greeted Aiden warmly. “Glad you could come.”

    “Hey Mr. Carlin, thanks for having me,” Aiden replied playing the perfect suave gentlemen making me want to throw up.

    “Aiden this is Spencer,” Arthur started the introductions not knowing that we both knew Aiden all too well.

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    1. great update i just read like all of the chapters and i love your story! i figured id just commented on this one instead of all of them! awesome job PMS!!

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