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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 8)

                “You’re evil,” I said.

                She just smiled and walked away. “I’ll call you in a little while,” she said just before walking inside.

                I just shook my head as I got in my car and headed home.


                “Aiden,” I said into the phone. “Meet me out back.”

                “Why?” he asked.

                “Just do it,” I said. “I’ll be there in like two minutes.”

                I pulled into my driveway and back toward the garage.

                “Holy shit,” Aiden said coming outside. “This is awesome, D.”

                “I know,” I said getting out. “I thought you’d like it.”

                “Is it for me?” he asked.

                “Hell no,” I said laughing. “This is my baby.”

                “Damn,” he said. “When are you gonna buy me a car?”

                “Probably never,” I laughed. “But who knows, you may get lucky one of these days.”

                “You’re such a bitch,” he said pushing me.

                “Shit happens,” I said.

                “Shut up,” he said.

                I walked inside and talked to Kyla for a while. My phone started vibrating in my pocket. I grabbed it and noticed it was a text message from Spencer. Come to my house now. Park at the skate park my bro is home xo Spence

                “Sorry Ky,” I said. “I gotta go.”

                “Ok,” she smiled. “Have fun. Be careful.”

                “Always,” I smiled. I jumped in my car and headed to Spencer’s. On my way. Be there in 5 xxoo Ash

                I parked at the skate park like Spencer had said. I walked the block to her house. I must admit, I was freaking out a little bit. I don’t know why she was having me come over so quickly. I got closer to her house and noticed she was outside waiting for me.

                “You’re really fast,” Spencer said.

                “Well I’m not gonna lie,” I said, “I kinda freaked out a little.”

                “Why?” she asked.

                “Well when I get a text saying come to my house now,” I said, “it’s hard not to freak.”

                “Sorry,” she said. She smiled. “I didn’t mean to freak you out.”

                “It’s ok,” I said. “Just tell me why I’m here.”

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    1. great update! I really like this story! and may I add I´m addicted to it!! LOL of course Ash got to her a little bit… Spence just told her she´s smokin HOT! ^^

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