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    Never Back Down – (Chapter: There's Going To Be French Toast? I'm In!)

    When I woke up the next morning, I woke up to the birds chirping and the sun shining in through the window even though after last night it feels like there should either be a hurricane, a tornado, or some horrible natural disaster outside. It almost seems like it is natures way of reminding me that life goes on. Downstairs I could smell the bacon and French toast cooking. No doubt, Clay had stepped in to fill the void.

    Looking around, I began to wonder where Spencer went. Every time I closed my eyes, she disappeared. Rubbing sleep out of my eyes, I went downstairs to investigate.

    After that day, Spencer and I had got closer than ever. If she wasn’t at my house, I was at hers. Her mom was now giving me a weird look every time I stepped inside there house. But that was a look while she knew nothing. Part of me wondered what look she would give me if she knew everything that went on behind closed doors.

    Every opportunity we got, we were making out. I was feeling things I didn’t quite understand, and my teenage hormones were on edge. I felt like a seventeen year old boy, but I couldn’t help it. Everything about this girl amazed me to no end. I couldn’t get enough of her. When we were apart, we’d be on the phone with each other. I never felt like I couldn’t live without someone before, but now she was attached at my hip.

    We were getting real good at sneaking around too. I could pin her to the wall and know exactly when to get off in time for Mr. C to walk by. He didn’t know anything about us, thank god. Instead, he treated me like his second daughter. Part of me felt bad for sneaking around, but I knew Spencer was out of her mind with fear if we ever got caught, even if she wouldn’t tell me that. I knew. I knew her. I knew that when she was sad she won’t look at you or talk much. Or she would forget her problems by focusing on something else. I knew that she said she didn’t like to be held when we slept, but in her sleep she loved it when I draped my arms around her and pulled her into me. I also knew the small gestures that Spencer would let me use to help her. It wasn’t much, and I was still waiting for this girl to break down her walls, but I’ll wait forever if I have too…

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