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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 20 – Rule One)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 20 – Rule One

    Spencer came at me…she (literally) leaped onto my bunk and landed on top of me. I was once again pinned, but I wasn’t laughing this time. I think I was blushing since her toned thigh hit me square between my legs. Now yes that does sound painful, but at most it was a slight knock, which is what I’m pretty sure caused the heat in my cheeks.

    She just looks at me with her dark blue eyes. Now I don’t remember them being that shade of blue, and since I spent so many hours looking into them I know that there has been a colour change. Hmmm she’s either very angry or very excited, I don’t know about you, but I’m hoping for the latter.

    “S-Spence?” Ugh blast my excited nervousness.

    “Do you know how jealous it makes me, when I see some one that isn’t me simply touching you? I don’t know what you’ve done to Ashley, but I have never been…never felt like this before” Spencer licks her lips as she watches my mouth tremble.

    “I-it’s only been a week Spencer; we’re still in that…h-honeymoon phase.” Oh god! She must know that her leg is rotating in small circles against me; nobody is that oblivious to their actions. I’m biting my lip, trying to keep any noises of pleasure inside. I have a feeling that any moment now Spencer will snap out of this confident mode and will revert back to her old shy self.

    “You didn’t answer my question. Would you rather have Madison touch you than me?” What!? What kind of dumbass question is that?

    “Nooo…anhhh…Spencer y-your leg-gee…” Spencer blinks a few times, before she stares at my flushed face with wide eyes. Yep there you go cute Spencer is back in the building. She looks down at her leg noticing its position.

    “Oh I’m so…” she looked up at me mid apology, but stopped. My breathing was shaky and my heart was pounding against my chest. Spencer bit the corner of her bottom lip and then she did exactly what I thought she wouldn’t. She pushed her thigh more forcefully against me, before leaning down and taking my parted lips in hers.

    My hips became alive and began slowly grinding against Spencer’s khaki clad leg. Whoa, whoa, whoa this way too soon. It’s only just been a week and we haven’t even been together for the full week. I know I’ll hate myself for stopping this, but too much, too soon is a disaster waiting to happen.

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    1. First comment (I hope!)Firstly that was a great chapter…confident, dominant Spencer is a BIG turn on…however Ash seems to have thought this through and taking it slow…especially given Spencer’s lack of experience… seems the right way to go. Secondly, I will miss your posts as they always bring a smile to my face and have helped me while away time I would otherwise have spent being bored stiff…so here’s hoping you resolve your problems and the hiatus isn’t too long! Good Luck x

    2. okay just got caught up i was on vacation and just got back so i still have a lot to read so im cutting this short sorry :( i loved it hahaha especialy spencers multiple personality lol anyways its good pms please :)

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