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    Wild Horses – (Chapter: Riding Lessons)

    "Want some private lessons in riding?"

    Since her mouth was covered Ashley nodder her head vigoursly. 

    "I’ll take that as a yes, I’ve noticed that you well suck at riding and always end up on your ass."  Spencer says while backing away and dropping her hand.    Ashley turned towards Spencer dissapointed that she wasn’t pressed up against her anymore.

    "I know I just can’t seem to control the bea…I mean horses."  Ashley almost says before stopping herself thinking Spencer might not like the fact that she hates horses.

    "That is your main problem you are trying to control them when you should try to communicate with them."

    Ashley gave Spencer a weird look, "Uhm… I know I have fallen a lot recently but horses can’t talk."

    "Haha, I know horses can’t talk, but they have feelings and need companionship just like everyone else.  Once you think like that it should be easy."  Ashley nods starting to understand somewhat, but forgets everything when Spencer grabs her hand and leads her towards the barn.  Once they get there they head towards one of the closes stalls.

    "Wait, why aren’t we going towards Athena’s stall."  Spencer stops and gives Ashley a funny look.

    "Do you really think I would give you a lesson on a horse that distrust everyone but me?  Not a chance we are trying a calmer horse, his name is Loki and is a real sweetheart dispite his name."

    "Why what does his name mean?"

    "It’s not what it means it’s who it was, in Celtic mythology he was the god of michief."  Spencer smirks and leads Ashley into his stall.

    "Not sure I want to ride him then." Spencer stops saddling Loki and turns to Ashley.

    "Trust me, I don’t want anything to happen to you so I will make sure to do the safest think."  She finishes saddling Loki while Ashley stands there watching her move.  God she is amazing and look at that ass. Spencer turns around just in time to see Ashley jerking her head up.  Spencer smirks knowing what Ashley was doing.

    "Ready to ride?"

    "Hell yeah!" Ashley says while grabing Spencer and pulling her towards her and doing what she’s been wanting to do since Spencer was pressed up against her earlier.  She kissed Spencer and Spencer didn’t stop her.  Ashley pushed herself further into Spencer until she was up against Loki.  Ashley was amazed about how soft Spencer lips are.  Ashley felt the roughness of the scar and ran her tongue over it hoping that would get Spencer to open up more.  Unfortunatly Spencer pushed her away.

    "That’s not exactly what I meant, but not dissapointing."  Spencer smiled but Ashley could tell she was not that comfortable.  She reached out for her only to have Spencer hand her the reins.  "You hold her while I get on then I’ll help you get on."  Ashley watched as Spencer swiftly pulled herself on Loki and reached her hand down for her.  Oh my God am I sitting in front or back, both sound great.  Why is my stomach churning and why are my palms so sweaty?

    "Come on Ashley he won’t bite."  Ashley reached up and grabbed Spencers hand and was pulled up in front of Spencer.  Ashley was surprised not realizing how strong Spencer is.

    Before they could get more comfortable they heard someone enter the barn, they both were deathly silent waiting to see who is was.


    Who entered the barn someone they trust or someone to pull them apart before they are even together?




    1. oh come on, how could you leave us hanging like that for FOUR MONTHS! just post more soon. It doesn’t have to be every day, just please don’t wait 4 months again

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