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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 11 – Archery)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 11 – Archery


    Spencer led us to a clearing, which had all the archery equipment set out. The Cobras’ were already setting themselves up. Glen wasn’t really helping; unless you call shouting ‘you’re doing it wrong’ as helping. I don’t find it helpful, but hey that’s just me. I’m sure Glen knows what he is doing.

    Blondie gets us all set up, handing out the bows and sets of arrows. It was 1 between two, so you guessed I’m the loner. I may be the so called leader of our group, but I’m the only one without an other, well there’s Spencer I suppose. Anyway Spencer is always my partner, so no complaints here.

    After Spencer’s tutorial of how to hold and shot, I picked it up easily.  And if I do say so myself, I believe was the best at it. Madison was quite good herself, but she spent most of her time trying to help Kyla holding the arrow in place. Evelyn was more than happy just watching Katie, miss the target completely.

    Me and Spencer are just taking it in turns. She clearly does this a lot, and by the looks of it seems to enjoy shooting at a plastic deer figure. I wouldn’t shoot a real deer, because they are cute, cute things shouldn’t be caused any pain; like Spencer here.

    I’m just waiting patiently, keeping a close eye on Glen. I haven’t forgotten my plan. I’m just trying to think of the best way to make it look like a complete accident. I don’t want to cause trouble for Spencer, I just want to show Glen a little thing called Karma. And god knows he must have enough bad Karma to last a life time.

    Maybe I could Katie lack of skill at hitting the target to good use, but then again I doubt she’d be able to hit Glen, even if she tried. Maybe Kyla could hit the target once she gets those arrows under control? Ah sod it I’ll do it myself.

    Right where’s that bow, ah ha Spencer’s just finished her round. If I simple pretend to get distracted and point it in Glen’s direction and let it loose. Then the blame is on no one right?  I best tell Madi my plans; maybe she could be my distraction.

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    1. wow that was funny and madision wow anyone would have been distracted by a half naked girl coming over to make out with you well pms please it was fantastic :)

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