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    Knights of Rage – (Chapter: 3)

                “Ok,” he said. “Get to class before you’re late again.”

                “Ok mom,” I said pushing him.

                We got through the rest of the day without getting in trouble. We got home and called Jason. He called another meeting for tonight. Now I’m just worried about retaliation.



                We went to the meeting that night. They just told us to watch out for retaliation. I half expected that. They told us just to be on the defensive. Aiden and I went home and I went to find Kyla. I knocked on her door.

                “Come in,” she said.

                “Hey,” I said walking in her room.

                “Hey Ash,” she said. “What’s up?”

                “Me and Aiden just got home,” I said. “We had another meeting tonight.”

                “How did it go?” she asked.

                “It was ok,” I said. “They just told us to watch our backs now.”

                “Are you scared?” she asked.

                “I guess a little bit,” I said.

                “Please just be careful,” she said.

                “You know you worry too much right?” I said.

                “Can you blame me?” she asked.

                “I guess not,” I said chuckling a little. “But I promise I’ll be ok.”

                “Good,” she said. “Now I think you have some homework to do.”

                “Yeah,” I said. “I better go get that done.”

                “Yep,” she smiled.

                I got up and headed to my room. I worked on my homework for a while before going to sleep. After school the next day, Aiden and I were out walking with a few other members of the KOR. We were walking along when I heard someone yell, “You KOR assholes are gonna pay!”

                We stopped and looked around. There was a car slowly approaching. I saw guns come out of the windows. “Get down!” I yelled. “Gun!”

                We dropped to the ground just before hearing gunshots. I looked around and saw a girl walking, listening to her iPod, oblivious to what was going on around her. She was about to walk right into the gunfire. I jumped up and ran towards her. I tackled her to the ground.

                “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” she asked, looking annoyed.

                “Saving your life,” I said as gunshots continued to chime. I looked into her eyes and immediately got lost in them. They are the most beautiful shade of blue I have ever seen. She stared right back into my eyes. We gazed at each other for the longest time.

                “D!” I heard Aiden yell. “You ok?”

                I stood up and offered a hand to help the girl up. “Yeah I’m good,” I shouted. I looked at the girl. “Are you ok?”

                “Yeah,” she said. “Thank you for saving my life.”

                “No problem,” I said. “By the way, I’m Ashley.”

                “Nice to meet you Ashley,” she smiled. “I’m Spencer.”

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