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    The Ashes That Remain – (Chapter: Chapter Eleven)

    I hugged my knees to my chest as I watched the rain slowly run down the window. Sighing, I let my mind wander. Not surprisingly, the first thought that came to mind was that blue eyed beauty that seemed to always be there at least in a subconscious level.

    When the night terrors ended, I always felt her next to me, knowing, she had been there the entire time.

    Ever since I’d come here, it seems like so much has already changed. For the better or worse, I don’t know. All I know is it makes my day when I get the see her smile. She’s the only person that feels real. Everyone else always feels so far away…

    I let my fingers following the outline of the raindrop as it slipped down the window to it’s destination. It didn’t know where it was going. We had something in common I guess.

    I could feel my lungs fill up with the hot air and choke.

    One by one, the drops collided and intersected paths. And when they crossed paths they either joined each other and became one, or one left smaller than it had before.

    The fire spread up the wall, leaving nothing but ash in its wake

    I couldn’t help but feel like I was watching a huge metaphor, and a very cliché one at that.

    Any yet, even after all this time, I couldn‘t help but wonder, where was the rain the night of the fire? It had been raining that day, so why not that night? It never was there when I needed it the most. Like so many people in my life, it had let me down.

    Closing my eyes, it seeped in like a disease, slowly eating me alive.

    The hot and heavy air heaved itself against me mercilessly. Running down that same damn hallway hopelessly, I screamed her name over and over again just to be met with a wall of fire enveloping her door.

    “Alex, Alex, Alex!” I called out over and over again into the flames, sweating dripping down my face. “Alex, Alex, Alex.”

    “Ash,” a warm hand settled on my shoulder bringing me back to this world, out of my own dementia.

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    1. I’m glad that Ashley is finally facing her past and at least this time she’s not alone. Can’t wait to find out what happens. Fantastic update. PMASAP!!!

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