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    Under Dressed

    Under Dressed



    A very bored 22yr old brunette sat behind the counter of the over popular lingerie store ‘Under Dressed’.  She watched as older and younger women alike sorted through the racks searching for that tempting piece of fabric.

    ‘Under Dressed’ dealt with only women’s lingerie. The store was fairly big for what it sold; it had a chain of changing room at the back of the store; away from the perverting eyes of the passer’s bye. Only the young brunette worked the shifts, and she handled it extremely well. She was insanely popular with the customers.

    Being the only staff in the store, the brunette easily got bored and always ended up watching what type of woman bought what. It was easy to tell those of who were going for comfort and those who were going for flashy.

    The girl’s dark caramel brown eyes shifted to the store entrance when the over head bells jingled a welcome. Immediately the curly haired brunette’s eyes brightened, when a young blonde walked through the door. The young girl had a slightly older looking blonde walking in front of her; the older lady clearly leading her around.

    The older woman approached the counter where the brunette sat. She already had the assistant’s attention when she walked through the door. Either the older blonde continually rang the bell, which sat on the counter top.

    Having quite enough of the constant ringing the brunette moved the bell from under the persistent hand and placed it under the counter.

    “I heard you.” Now the assistant normally isn’t rude to any customer because well it’s not good for business, but she could already tell that this woman was going to be difficult. Although she did notice that the younger blonde beside the woman was smiling at her.

    “Yes well…” the older woman took time to lean forward to get a look at the brunettes name tag “…Ashley, my name is Paula Carlin. I would like to speak to the manager?” The older woman stood back and looked at Ashley expecting her to run off and find the manager of the store.

    “OK?” Ashley stood waiting for the older blonde to continue, but she still stood there; arms folding and tapping her foot impatiently. Sighing she looked over to the younger girl who was blushing in embarrassment.

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    1. that was hoter then hot i like take charge spencer,does her mom know shes gay she did tell her to keep her hands to herself but then she said nice young MAN o well pms please :) cant wait :)

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