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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 19 – No harm, No foul)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 19 – No harm, No foul

    It’s been about 3 days since that surprising office meeting and Spencer and I have been enjoying each day together. Spencer is beyond happy that I’ve decided to stay and join the counselling team. There has been a few problems with Glen constantly hitting on me, which Spence did not approve of in the slightest…I’m telling you, when Glen pinched my ass, Spencer blew a fuse. No joke.

    So I’ve officially been here a full week, so yeah I guess Spencer and I kind of jumped into things, but honestly things have been great. We’ve spent endless nights just talking; getting to know each other more. I think we might be making it official soon to.

    We’re all in the Mess Hall, getting breakfast. We’re sat in our usual seats, though Spencer and I sit quite a bit closer now, but not so close that it’s obvious. I’ve also noticed Aiden has been constantly staring at Spencer and I, well mostly at Spencer, but since I’m practically attached to her hip; he see’s me to.

    No unlike Spencer I don’t plan on losing my cool over someone staring, but in my girls defence Glen was giving me ‘fuck me’ eyes. And it doesn’t matter how many times he gets told, the message just doesn’t seem to sink in. I’m getting used to it now, as it happens every few hours, when we actually cross paths. Thankfully Aiden doesn’t try and get close to Spencer, he merely watches from afar with a pathetic look on his face.

    My training so far has been pretty easy; I just follow Spencer around and take part in the activities that she sets up for the group. Oh the girls are doing great if you’re interested. Madison and Kyla have formed a tight bond, which is shocking considering on how they started out. Katie and Evelyn have been found kissing sweetly every now and then…I seriously doubt that it has gone further since they meet a week ago and when it comes to ‘sexy time’ noise I have ears like a freaking wolf.

    Today is the day we plan on executing our revenge on the Hawks, they’ve gotten really arsey since they think they got one over on us. At first I was reluctant to join in on the plan ‘cause well I didn’t want to do anything that could risk my placement here. I was going to call it off, when Spencer said that the girls were more than willing to take the full blame if they caught. I wasn’t sure at first, but I was quickly convinced by Spencer.

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    1. ‘came at me..’ and threw herself upon my HOT body….’came at me..’ and hit me accross the face….WHAT!!! You can’t leave it there…that’s just wrong!!! Lovely to have an update. I’ll be playing Guitar Hero tomorrow night so will try to avoid injury! Thanks for the warning lol!

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