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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Forty Two)

    Clay once again had to, reluctantly but understandably, put the tour on hold. Questions within the press pool began to circulate. Speculation was starting to spark. It seemed as if every entertainment television show and magazine was working double time to find out what was going on within the secretive realm of the ‘Rock Princess’s’ life.

    Many news articles and talk shows were beginning to think Ashley had fallen back into her drug habit and she was cancelling shows to recover from a drug induced coma she had slipped into. Others speculated the engagement between her and Spencer was off and she stopped shows in order to nurse her broken heart. Then there were other rumors that were just absurd.

    Cameras photographed Ashley, Spencer, Ryan, and Aiden as they took the flight out to New York and the minute they landed.

    Even as they entered their awaiting limo there was a bundle of reporters looking to get a good shot of the group, namely Ashley, as they drove to the hospital.

    The limo was completely silent as they drove on. The rocker had been quiet since she’d gotten the news. She, like the others, was ecstatic. Yet, at the same time she felt … nervous?

    Spencer quietly slipped her hand into her fiancée’s. She gave it a tiny squeeze and whispered, “Is everything alright,” she asked. “You’ve been really quiet.”

    “Yeah,” the rocker replied with a little grin. “I’m just over thinking.”

    “That’s never good,” Spencer said. “What are you thinking about?”

    Just as the brunette was about to respond the limo came to a stop at the back of the hospital’s private entrance. Everyone quickly shuffled out of the vehicle and rushed inside luckily without detection from the photographers just around the corner.

    They walked toward Kyla’s room where Carol sat by the door quietly reading one of her Stephen King books. She looked up from her text, smiled, and stood. The older Davies exchanged greetings with the group.

    “Hey Grandma,” Aiden whispered as he gave Carol a tight hug.

    “How is she,” Ryan asked eyeing his girlfriend’s hospital door.

    “She’s doing great,” Carol replied. “She’s been awake now for about seven hours. Of course she’s taken a few naps in between but, I’ve filled her in with as much as I could about what’s been going on. She can’t wait to see you guys.”

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