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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 3)

    After a while, it had become a routine that Aiden and I would hang out with Angela and Spencer. We ate in the café with them a lot now and even hung out with them on weekends sometimes. I can’t say I wasn’t insanely grateful to Aiden for setting this up. I loved every second I got to spend with Spencer. It was sort of weird though; I couldn’t figure out why I was so drawn to her. I know I was drawn to her from the very beginning. But usually, when I feel so strongly about someone so quickly it is because they are passionate about some cause that I immediately deem highly important as soon as I see their passion for it; even if it had never crossed my mind to mean anything until that point of meeting. Maybe it is for equal human rights, or maybe they are passionate about politics or advancement of disabled persons, or women’s rights. It honestly does not matter; it is the passion that draws me in.

                But this girl was not passionate about any particular cause. She was moderately interested in many things and scorned hardly anything. I couldn’t see one thing that she cared strongly for or against. So I was confused when I realized this, as to why I was so attracted to her; because that was undeniably true. I thought maybe at this realization my attraction would lessen, but I still found myself yearning to be with her every free second I had in my day, and most the seconds I did not have free. She was not overly cruel to anyone, but certainly not overly nice to most. To many, even to me at times, she simply appeared average. Why then, was I so utterly drawn to her? I think the curiosity drove me insane and drew me to her even more. I had to discover what it was that made this girl put a smile on my face while hardly even trying or made me want to drop all of my plans and quit my job so that I could spend every day with her.

                I had nearly given up on what this could be and decided it didn’t matter anymore. I simply loved her for being average I supposed. Then it hit me like a grand piano falling and crushing me from ten stories like an animated character. Her passion was not for one thing in life; of course not, she was far better than to concentrate her energies on one thing. Her passion was for living. Life was her passion. She loved to live and spent every second to its fullest potential. It was easy to see once it hit me.

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