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    Sore Loser? Not so much.

                    Spencer huffed as she slung herself into the very last seat of the bus, throwing her bag into the seat across from it. She slumped down in the seat, glaring out of the window though it was so dark that she could see nothing but the condensation from the rain that had started pouring right before her soccer game and ended almost simultaneously with the three short blasts of the whistle which indicated that the game was over. She felt the seat dip down but she didn’t turn to look, knowing that it was Ashley. Ashley was the amazingly hot captain of the King High Varsity Girls Soccer team, the only senior on the team and probably one of the best soccer players in their area. She also happened to be Spencer’s best friend, not to mention secret girlfriend of about seven months.

                    “Babe, it isn’t a big deal,” Ashley said in a low voice, before glaring at a freshman that tried to sit in the seat beside theirs. “This is taken, why don’t you go sit up front in the sixty other seats that are free?” She said harshly, scaring the poor girl to death as she turned and headed back up to the front of the bus.

                    “Okay girls, it was a hard loss, but this is only the first game of the season, we still have plenty of time to knock them dead. Now it’s late and there will be no excused tardies tomorrow, so get some sleep. We’re gonna turn the lights off and I don’t want anyone getting too rowdy.” Coach Harper called out as she took her usual seat in the front before the driver started the bus and the lights turned off as they got going on the four hour drive back to the school. “Baby, come on, this wasn’t even a region game! So we lost, we’ve lost before.”

                    “When?” Spencer questioned, finally turning to look at her girlfriend. Ashley gave out a sigh. It was true; King High’s soccer teams were some of the best in California. They had been undefeated for nearly six years. “See?!” Spencer said, sounding anguished as she crossed her arms across her chest and slumped even further into the seat. “I ruined everything!”

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