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    Hoops – (Chapter: Chapter 7)

    For the rest of the week Ashley completely avoided me, which was no easy task seeing as we were roommates.  If I would walk into the room, she would leave seconds afterwards not even glancing in my direction.  During scrimmages, she made an effort to stay as far away from me as possible and somehow we never ended up on the same team, or even competing against each other.  And despite the fact that we were supposed to be practicing together, I ended up practicing alone.


    At first, I was relieved Ashley was avoiding me.  I couldn’t help being embarrassed about getting caught looking her up on the internet, and dreaded the confrontation I was sure was coming.  Plus, I felt like we were simply making good on our original agreement to completely stay out of each others’ way.  But as the week passed, and Ashley never mentioned it or even looked at me, I started to think she was really furious with me for what I had done.  Sure, Ashley and I had a long standing rivalry.  But I felt that rivalry was based on her arrogant attitude.  Now it seemed as if our conflict was over something I had done.  


    For days I meant to pull Ashley aside and try to clear things up, but I never got the nerve to do it.  Not to mention a week after our argument, I became distracted by an unlikely friendship; a friendship with one of the last people I expected to talk to, much less hang out with: Karen. 


    In the days immediately after Ashley and I confronted each other in the gym, Ashley and Karen seemed to be joined at the hip.  I would see her in our room all the time and she, of course, would rush out of the room on Ashley’s heels as soon as I stepped through the door.  They also hung out at the scrimmages together and seemed to eat together in the cafeteria almost everyday.   I wasn’t surprised by this, because I thought they were a couple.  But I was surprised when it stopped.  Karen no longer came by the room, and now the two were never even near each other.  Not too long after this, Karen happened to see me in the cafeteria alone.

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    1. Hmmm I think Karen’s heart is in the right place…don’t get the feeling that she’s up to no good. Hope Spashley don’t take too long to kiss and make up!

    2. here’s what i think im going with SoNFANFOREVER on this onei think..karen likes ashley alot but ashley probley told her that she likes spencer so karen is trying to be friends with spencer to see if spencer has feelings for ashley and if so karen is trying to play cupidat least thats what i think you need to continue tho

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