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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 18 – Let's Talk)

    Happy campers

    Chapter 18 – Let’s talk


    I was on my way towards the main cabin, where the head councillor’s office was. I am honestly scared and really nervous, thankfully Spencer insisted on coming with me. She wanted to support me anyway she could. I’m just hoping her dad will let her sit in with me, but I highly doubt it.

    As we reached the steps of the huge log cabin, Spencer stops. I turn round to look at her with a look of confusion; I thought she was going to walk me in.

    “Spencer I thought you were coming in with me?” I asked in a pitiful voice.

    “I didn’t know if you wanted me to come with you or not. I mean it might be a personal talk or something important” Spencer looks up at me, a small smile appearing.

    “Well I would like for you to come in with me please” I walk back down the steps and pick up her hand, then I walk back up towards the cabin door. When we reached the top, we both stopped and turned to face the other; bracing ourselves for the worst.

    Spencer opened the door to let me through, and then she followed closely in behind me. I looked around the wide open cabin taking in every detail; the soft looking wooden walls, the outdoors furniture. It looked like all those hunters cabins from the movies. Although the stag’s head mounted on the wall above the fireplace was kind of creepy, i felt like it was watching me.

    A few paces from where I was standing, was a black looking log door. And this is a random guess, but I’d say that I will walk through that door in a few seconds. Well it’s not really a guess since the golden plaque clearly states that behind that door waits the ‘Head Councilor’.

    “Hey Ashley, my dad is ready to see you now.” Spencer says as she nudges me gently. I’m frozen in place, so Spencer takes the lead and steers me towards the door; which I swear is getting bigger. I lift my hand up to knock, but it barely makes a sound, but from the corner of my eye I see Spencer’s hand coming in to view and knock loud and clear on the hard surface.

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