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    Ugh. I sit here, bored out of my mind, flipping through the channels, as if there will be something interesting to watch. There never is. I sigh, and lean over to wrap the blanket around me. I wish that she would come home soon, because I’m starving…not to mention, I’m cold and I could use her to warm me up.

    My mind wanders, probably because of the extreme boredom, and I suddenly have this urge to, you know, take care of myself. For some reason, the events from last night are playing in my head over and over and over again.

    I don’t really want to do anything….well, I want to, but how would it look if Ashley came home and I had my hand down my pants? Not very good.

    Without thinking, I start to rub myself over my sweatpants. However, I jump up really fast when I hear the knob turning.

    “I’m home, and I brought food!”

    I smile and walk over to her.

    “Our first real meal in our new apartment,” she grins as she places it down on the table. She takes off her coat and goes to put it away, while I on the other hand, just want us to eat right away. One, because I’m hungry. And two, because I want to do other…things with Ashley.

    “Did you miss me?” She whispers, wrapping her arms around my waist and pulling me close.

    “You were only gone for twenty minutes,” I giggle, turning around to face her saddened face. “I’m just kidding,” I say, reassuring her, “Of course I missed you.”

    “Good.” She leans in and kisses me. It’s a soft kiss, gentle. It’s nice. “Let’s eat!”

    I can’t help but smile when she says this. Not because it’s funny, because it’s kind of ironic, seeing as how I do want to eat, I just had something other than food in mind…



    “Mmm Ashley!” I moan as she throws me on top of our bed. She quickly falls on top of me, and wraps my legs around her waist. It’s so hot when she dominates me, and takes charge.

    She shifts a little, and I can feel her thigh pressing against my center. Right away, I start grinding into her, loving the feeling. I need release and I need it now. She notices and smirks, “Someone is a little horny tonight, huh?”

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    1. good god! that was freaking hot. southfan2 u r right that should have been the day after webisode! wow you should totally write a part two.. so we can see ash get her turn!

    2. there better be another part to this :) man that was hot beyond hot thinkwhatyouwant said best “no words needed” :) pms please :) man i miss son already :)

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