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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 21 – Rule Two)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 21 – Rule 2

    I literally ran out of that cabin, but not before grapping Madi. I needed her help setting up everything for my date with Spencer. I’m thinking romantic, but not too romantic. Since I set up rule one, I don’t want to be tempted to kiss her or to tempt her into kissing me. I want to do this right; we rushed into it at the beginning, so I’m slowing it all down to a good pace.

    I don’t plan on keeping rule one for long, because I doubt I can keep control of myself that long. Spencer’s lips practically scream out for me to kiss them. I’ll admit that I’m not the biggest fan off rule one, but its necessary for right now.

    The easy part is over, which was asking Spencer on the date. Maybe I should have come up with an idea before I asked…bugger. Oh well that’s what Madi is for, well partly. I’m the one that’s going to be coming up with the date plan, as I want it to come from the heart. And my little helper is going to be setting it up with me and doing her own part.

    When I came back to the mine and Spencer’s room later that night, I knew the second I got through the door that she wasn’t impressed by Rule One or my antics in the slightest. When I opened the door she flipped over in her bed, showing me her back with a huff.

    “Aww Spency please don’t be like that” I fake whimper as I make my way over to her bunk, which weirdly seems to be getting closer to mine everyday; then again I could be imagining it.

    “Hmmpphfft…No…Kissing hmphft” Yeah all I could make of her mumbling was the ‘no kissing’.

    “Spencer come on it’ll only be for a little while, just until we’re comfortable with everything” begging is so not my forte, but desperate times call for desperate measures. “Please Spencer; I’m on my knees here”. When I imagined myself kneeling before Spencer’s bed, it was much, much more satisfying and way hotter; if you catch my drift.

    My begging worked a little, Spencer had flipped back over to face me, but buried her head in her pillow; effectively hiding her face from me. Hmm plan B okay, one question…If I kiss her body, is that breaking Rule One? I don’t think it should count, and even if you think it does then tough titties ‘cause I’m the one who instated the Rule to begin with.

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    1. i feel bad for maddision lol its all a tease and then shes on the receiving end of a glare coming from a cetain blond and shy brunette lol :) i liked it alot of things but you know that lol great post pms please ashley is such a hopless romantic :)

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