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    That Day

    Mmmmm, my bed is so soft and cozy in the morning. I feel like I could just sleep here forever… But I can’t, can I? Nope, I have to get up soon. I wonder how much longer until my alarm—


    Beep Beep Beep


    “Well, I guess that answers that question,” I muttered, smacking my alarm off and getting out of bed.


    Today is the day I have looked forward to for weeks, the kick off of summer, the biggest party of the year. Of course, Kyla, my best friend, and Ashley, her slightly younger sister, would be throwing it. They have the mansion to themselves most of the time because Ashley’s mom is out of town a lot for…personal reasons. Today is one of those times, and we will all be taking full advantage of it. Can anyone say pool party? That’s why I’m up so early on a day we don’t have school. I have to help Kyla and Ashley set up.


    Sexy And I Know It suddenly started playing from my phone. Ashley made that her ringtone last week, cocky bitch. I guess I’ll answer.




    “Hey Spencer, it’s Ashley,” she said as if I didn’t already know.


    “Oh, hey. What’s up?” I said, pretending I didn’t.


    “Kyla wanted me to call and tell you to hurry over. We need a lot of help setting stuff up and only have like two hours until the party.”


    “Okay, well I’ll just grab something to eat and change and I’ll be over.”


    “We have food here. And you don’t have to change, you could just come naked.” I could tell she was smiling her cocky smile into the phone. See, Ashley is gay and a hopeless flirt. It doesn’t work on me, though. Never has, never will.


    “Yeah, right. I’ll be over, clothed, in a little bit.”


    “Fine, I’ll just have to fix that later on,” she said.


    “Okay, Ashley, I’m hanging up now. Bye.”




     She really is insatiable.


    Anyway, I threw on my skimpy purple bikini with gold beading, a black v-neck, and some short jean shorts, and I was off. I arrived at the mansion at around 10:30 to a seemingly empty house. I let myself in like I always do and helped myself to a bowl of cereal while waiting for someone to show up. Just much luck, Ashley came in the kitchen as I was mid-bite.

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