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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 10)

    “Aiden! Aiden! Aiden!” I screamed energetically as I burst into his apartment excited and frantic later that day. Only I come to a dead halt when I see Angela standing in the kitchen wearing Aiden’s favorite T-shirt and no pants as far as I can see. She also stops in her tracks, clearly shocked to see me as she stands next to the refrigerator holding a pint of ice cream and a spoon, eating it straight from the container.

                I give myself a moment to fully take in the sight before me as I look her up and down. Her hair is flowing freely over her shoulders but clearly messy, completely irresistible sex hair. Beyond that, she stands leaning with most of her weight on one leg as she holds the spoon out in front her in one hand and the pint of ice cream in the other. Aiden’s shirt falls to just below her ass, showing off the length of her gorgeous, smooth and sculpted tan legs.

                “Dam Ang. If I wasn’t dating your best friend, I’d really be trying to get into your pants right now…” I rethink my statement as I look her up and down quickly one more time. “Or, lack thereof I suppose at the moment.”

                “Well Ash,” she responds, finally snapping out of her embarrassed trance. “If I wasn’t dating your best friend, ummm…well I’d still say that ain’t ever going to happen hunny.” We both share a laugh as Aiden walks up behind Angela, wrapping his large arms around her waist protectively.

                “Stay away from my girl Ash,” he says half-jokingly.

                “Don’t worry Aid,” Angela says to him. “She couldn’t steal me away from you.”

                “Yeah,” he responds rolling his eyes. “That’s what they all said freshman year before I caught them making out with her.”

                “I was doing you a favor bud,” I reply honestly. “Those girls were all tramps.”

                “Didn’t seem to stop you.”

                “True,” I say before I quickly change the subject. “Anyways, I’m glad you’re here anyways Ang. I need both of your help to pull off Spencer’s perfect birthday.”

                “Not going to happen, Ash,” Angela states matter-of-factly. “I assure you, the girl is impossible to please.”

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    1. not sure if i commented before or not- but jus so ya know, i really like this story and have been reading the whole time :) pretty sure i know what the surprise is too!

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