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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 29 – Trapped)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 29 – Trapped


    It has been nearly fifteen minutes since Glen and Aiden had left. And the tension is running high in Spencer right now, I’ve tried talking to her, but the most I’ve gotten out of her was a nod of the head.

    At the moment the group and I are sitting around that round table, the one that Spencer made us sit at when we all first met. We’re just talking, one of the ‘catch up’ kind of things. I had suggested it to Spencer not long ago that we should have these talks every now and then to keep on top of things. She thought it was a brilliant idea and I got showered with kisses for it.

    So here we are all round the table, each sharing our thoughts on anything and everything. So far I have found out that Evelyn and Katie are in fact a couple, how that’s going to work once camp is over I have no idea, but hey that isn’t my concern. And I also know now that Kyla may not be as straight as she stated at the beginning, but we all knew that was going happen, she so has a thing for Madi, which I’m sure is returned.

    That just leaves me and Spencer to dish out some info, but I can’t think of anything that they don’t already know. Our relationship is kind of open to the group, since they practically act as the counsel when issues pop up between Spencer and me.

    “Hey Spence, is there anything you want to say?” I ask gently. I know full well that she isn’t in the same room as the rest of us, well physically she is, but mentally she’s elsewhere.

    My hand finds its own way on to her thigh, squeezing just enough for her to come back to me. Shaking her head to lose her thoughts, she then looks at me smiling. Then she does something that normally she wouldn’t in front of the group, she pulled me into her lap and kissed me.

    It wasn’t one of those innocent kisses either, there was quite a bit of tongue in this one. After the initial shock wore off I returned her affection with huge smile gracing my lips.

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    1. Oooooh! DRAMA!! Thanks for the update, loved every word….as usual!What’s Spencer going to do? They can’t go on a date because she’s made it very clear to Aiden it’s over….Hmmm, what’s a girl to do???

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