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    Hoops – (Chapter: 9, Truth or Dare Pt. 2)


    I sat up and looked at our audience. Each one of them seemed to be on the verge of drooling.  Ashley got up and walked back over to her seat, not even looking back in my direction. 


    “Ok,” Karen declared her voice full of excitement, “Ashley, now it’s your turn to choose.”



    Ashley turned directly to Rebecca, before asking,


    “Truth or dare?”


    “I’m always down for a dare,” Rebecca replied.


    “Ok…” Ashley paused to think for a moment, then a sly smile spread across her face, “I dare you to show us your favorite sexual position using Karen as your partner.” 


    I tried, but failed to hold back the giggle that escaped from my lips.  Rebecca hesitated and looked around the room, rolling her eyes when she saw me chuckling. 


    “Okay,” Rebecca gave in, “I’m fine with it, if Cindy’s fine with it.”


    “Yeah, whatever,  just as long as you’re not into anything freaky, cause I’m not doing a handstand,” Cindy answered.


    “Damn, well I guess that’s out,” Rebecca joked, as she got up off the bed.  We all watched as Rebecca beckoned Cindy off the floor and towards the bed.  She then leaned face-forward over the bed, pulling Cindy behind her. 


    “Woof, woof, doggy style” Karen yelled, as Cindy started to pretend smack Rebecca’s behind.  Rebecca caught sight of what she was doing and pushed her back.


    “Ok, fun’s over,” Rebecca said, sitting back on the bed.


    “Who woulda thought Rebecca was a freak,” Karen joked.  All of our hands shot up,  earning us a death glare from Rebecca.


    “Not funny,” Rebecca mumbled, but she could barely be heard over our laughter.


    “Shut up you guys, it’s my turn now,” Rebecca said, “Ok, let’s see….” She looked across the room once, glancing over everyone’s faces before turning to me.


    “Spencer, truth or dare?”


    “What!” I yelled surprised, “No way, I just went.  I’m not going again any time soon.”


    “You don’t have a choice, Spencer,” she replied smirking, “I can pick whoever I want and I choose you.”


    “You need to choose someone else Rebecca,” I shot back, trying to hide the anger that was making my voice unsteady.   “I’ve already gone like twice if you include Ashley’s dare.  Amanda hasn’t even had a chance to go yet.”

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    1. OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! x12935729384578192475457235435Yay! You’re back! I thought I’d never see this story again. But… YAY! It’s back! Love the update but I’m gonna have to re-read the previous chapters. PMS!

    2. wonder what ashley had to go home for and why she’s being nice all of a sudden…but i think it will be funny to see spence on guard for no reason…pms

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