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    The One Who Changed My World – (Chapter: 11)

    “Ashley Davies,” Spencer says sternly in the passenger’s seat of my car, apparently growing a little tired of having no idea what was going on. “This had better be good because there are very few reasons why I would ever agree to wear a blindfold and you already assured me it was not for sexual purposes, so that narrows it down to like zero reasons.”

                “We’re almost there Spence, I promise,” I smile at her even though she can’t see it. She looks so adorable right now with her arms folded across her chest and her pouty face on.

                “Well I’ve been wearing this blindfold for two hours now and in one of those hours strange people I didn’t know were doing my hair and touching my face and in the other…”she pauses to think her next words over more carefully. “Well that wasn’t so bad because you undressed me, but you only touched me mildly inappropriately before you dressed me back up again in God knows what!”

                “We’re here,” I chuckle at her.

                “What oh thank God! Can I take this off now?”

                “In a minute love,” I assure her. “Please be patient.” I pick up my phone and hit Aiden’s number. “We’re here,” I speak into the phone as he picks up. “Is everything all set? Okay see you in a sec.”

                “So it’s a surprise party?” Spencer asks. “Because you kind of just blew it.”

                “Oh come one Spencer, you knew you were getting a party,” I say to her because the hints she dropped all week about really wanting one did not go unnoticed and she knows me too well to think I wouldn’t do something that makes her happy. “Now stay there and keep the blindfold on, I’m going to come help you out.” I exit the driver’s side and walk around to open Spencer’s door.

                “M’Lady,” I say as I offer her my hand.

                “Ash, I feel like you’re doing something sweet right now, but I honestly have no idea,” Spencer speaks and I realize she cannot see my hand through her blindfold.

                “Oh, right,” I quickly fix myself and gently guide her out of the car. I link arms with her and she’s holding onto me tightly, nervous because she can’t see where she’s walking. We walk up to the door and I hear silence which is good; I didn’t want them to start playing the music until we enter.

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    1. oh man lol took me two days basicly to read this lol only cuz my computer is like whack and works when it wants too,lol damn robots lol man i cant believe her ex is back :( well thats gotta suck but you couldnt have had spencer ask her after they had stemy hot sex? i mean i dont pay attention to what a drunken person says lol…o well just an idea lol and micy D’s is great lol i love the dollor menue im impecibly cheap lol but i just love the way they make their cookies lol ;) anyways now im hungry and rambling lol so pms please its cool that this wasnt nc-17 it had nc-17 material so dont change the rating :) anyways again pms please :)

    2. yep! i thought it was gonna be a theme party with some swing dancing, cuz i remembered spencer telling ashley about how much she liked it :) hmmm… this kate chick… im seein an emotional storm in ashleys near future. brace yourself spencer! see, i think theres more behind that whole marriage conversation. im not buyin the whole i-dont-need-a-piece-of-paper claim. it may be true, but she is so completely willing to do just about anything for spencer and she knows she really wants a wedding. its odd she was just like- oh well sorry boutcha- to spencer, right away, without even considering it. me thinks the lady doth protest too much! :)

    3. awesome update, loved the party and ash’s drunken antics that she pretty much heard about the next day. oohh yea mcD’s is such a good idea when you’re plastered! and I’m with ash in that I don’t believe in marriage either (although I am married, long story) it’s just a damn piece of paper for crying out loud. so now we have this kate, lady in red, hmmmm sounds like drama coming! can’t wait so pms!

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