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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: Chapter 22 – Rule 2 (part2): Cork Popping)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 22 – Rule 2 (part2): Cork Popping


    As the night went on, so did the date. The moonlight reflected of off the lakes surface, making the small row boat glow.

    “So what else do you have planned?” Spencer asked as she popped a honey dipped strawberry into her waiting mouth.

    “Now Spencer I never said you were getting all that I have planned today, patience is a virtue.” Ashley replied. Spencer grumbled about technicality.

    Ashley grinned, leaning forward, her lips touching the blondes. She had the rest of her romantic plans set for another time.

    “Spencer, I don’t want to use up all of my romantic mojo all in one date” Ashley said leaning forward to kiss Spencer’s forehead.

    The blonde giggled in amusement.

    “You wouldn’t happen to have watched Austin Powers before had you?” She giggled, only Ashley had no clue what the blonde girl was talking about now.

    “Who?” Spencer frowned.

    “What do you mean ‘who’? Austin Powers is like the worlds playboy…I mean sod Hugh Heffner, Austin had all the gorgeous girls in his shag pad.” The blonde near shouted. Ashley busted out laughing, she continued to laugh till the point that tears were falling down her face.

    “Damn Spencer, you crack me up. Shag pad…that is a good one” Ashley said through her laughter.


    Ashley’s POV

    Aww her pout is adorable. I didn’t mean to laugh in her face, but something about the word shag has always made me laugh. For all the words in the world that mean sex, people use the word ‘shag’. It’s not really a word that would make you cream your pants now is it.

    “I’m sorry Spence, how about I make it up to you?” I asked batting my eyelashes hoping for the best.

    “And how do you plan to making it up to me?” Spencer replied eyeing me suspiciously. You know for a catholic, she really has no faith. 

    I grinned, happy that I hadn’t ruined the date. I leaned over to the picnic basket behind me and retrieved the rather expensive bottle of champagne and two flute glasses. When I held them up proudly in front of me, Spencer’s eyes widened.

    “Where did you get that? I hope you didn’t leave the camp, you know that’s against the rules.” Spencer said, she folded her arms, looking at the bottle then back at me. I rolled my eyes, normally people Spencer’s age don’t worry about how the alcohol came to be, ‘normally’ people her age just accept that it’s there and drink themselves stupid.

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    1. okay now that im first i can leave my comment lol and man i have to say i was laughing my ass off like i was on the floor fo rizzal on the floor no joke lol :) man i cant beleive its been so long lol :) ive realy missed this story :) so dont take too long to post another chapter :) i might die of anticipation and that would mean your gonna need asomeone to replace a dead fan lol :) anyways great greatr great :) pms please :)

    2. i started reading this story on a another site. but I’m glad you post here as well. I really like this story and cant wait to read what’s going to happen next. please up date soon.

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