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    Love and Rock N Roll – (Chapter: Chapter Twenty Six)

    “Ashley,” Spencer sighed out when she found her lazy fiancée spread out on the bed. “What are you doing?”

    “Reading,” the rocker held up a sports magazine. “Check this out. How does a new air hockey table sound for the game room back home? It’d be pretty fucking cool huh?”

    “We promised we’d be down at the shop in a half hour and you haven’t even started getting ready yet?” Spencer chastised grabbing the magazine and tossing it off to the side.

    “Baby, I don’t wanna go,” the brunette whined. “I can just hire someone else as a cook back home. I’ll give Brian a call and get him on it.”

    Spencer crossed her arms. “You said you’d give Clyde a chance,” she reminded.

    “Um yeah I did, but only because I was under the gun,” Ashley pointed an accusatory finger at her fiancée. “You made me agree to that when you put on that irresistible pout of yours.”

    “You still said you’d give him a chance,” the blonde continued. “Despite the methods in which I got you to say what you said, you still agreed.”

    “I was tricked,” the brunette corrected.

    Spencer nodded and poked the rocker’s belly. “In a nutshell, yes, you were.”

    Ashley took hold of her fiancée’s hand and tugged the blonde down on top of her. “Wouldn’t you rather want to stay here?” She purred nibbling at the blonde’s neck. “It’d be just the two of us, here on this comfy bed, making out, groping…”

    “Ashley,” Spencer moaned.

    “Yes baby,” the rocker murmured running her hands up her fiancée’s back.

    The blonde brought her lips up to the brunette’s ear and whispered, “This isn’t going to work.”

    “Alright fine, I’ll get ready,” Ashley stopped her light biting and released her fiancée, “I’ll go, I’ll eat, and we’ll see where it goes from there.”

    “Thank you,” the blonde giggled pecking the rocker’s lips.

    “But,” Ashley continued sitting up. “If this food isn’t as cracked up as Kyla and Ryan says it is. I’m not going to be a happy little camper.”

    “Whatever you say,” Spencer sung out skipping out of the room.


    “Dude,” Ryan moaned out patting his belly contently. “How do you do it? Are you like some kind of chef robot or something? You’re food is the best!”

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    1. I don’t blame Ashley for not liking Clyde. I think he’s going to be trouble. I hope he doesn’t try to do any harm to Spencer. She is just too trusting. Great update. Can’t wait for the next update.

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