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    Because Mom…(Chapter Twenty)

                    We spent that afternoon just walking around LA, taking in the tourist attractions with my mom taking so many pictures I thought that her camera would break. We ended up at some type of burger place for lunch and settled down in the booth in our usual positions, Ashley beside me with my mom across from us. We had already ordered when a man came up to our table. He was fairly attractive, with black wavy hair and a clean shaven, nice face. He was wearing wire framed glasses that made him seem intelligent as his blue eyes sparkled. He looked like a nice guy.

                    “Paula?” My mom seemed taken aback before a huge smile crossed over her face.

                    “Tim!” He chuckled and nodded.

                    “I thought that was you, you look great!”

                    “Me? You look exactly the same as you always have.” He laughed and shrugged.

                    “It’s the California air. I needed the change.” Ashley looked at me questioningly and I shrugged, bewildered as the two made eyes at each other. He looked suspicious to me.

                    “Oh, girls, this is Doctor Tim Johnson,” She introduced, “Tim this is my daughter Spencer and her friend Ashley.”Ashley’s hands fisted at the use of ‘friend’ but otherwise her expression didn’t change as a fake smile crossed her face. I let my hand slide over her knee in comfort and she gave me a terse smile as we both shook Tim’s hand.

                    “So what are you doing in town?”

                    “Well Spencer wants to go to UCLA so we’re visiting and Ashley is a sophomore there and agreed to be our tour guide.”

                    “That’s great! Do you think you’ll be making the move as well?” He seemed so hopeful that it was almost pathetic. Who was this loser? My mom blushed, she actually blushed!

                    “I don’t know, I hadn’t thought about it.” She said, as my grip tightened on Ashley’s knee. She arched an eyebrow but just gently ran her hand over mine and I instantly relaxed my grip with a sheepish smile. She just leaned over to bump her shoulder against mine playfully. I hadn’t been paying attention to the other two but my attention snapped back when I heard my mother giving her cell phone number to the douche bag and agreeing to meet up with him at some place. What the hell? My mom has a date?! After Tim left my mom hurried our lunch along before rushing off, making excuses about wanting a nap. I stared unbelievingly after her as Ashley chuckled.

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    1. Yay for updates! I loved it. Can’t wait to hear about Paula’s date. Hopefully she wasn’t too much of a whore. Or was she? Oooh, I guess I’ll just have to wait to find out.

    2. saw 3 vs. 300… that’s a toughie. anyway this whole chap had me laughing! so cute and lighthearted yet bubbling with sexiness (or something, I’m drunk so I apologize for not making sense). the boyfriends were funny and yea I’m sure they each got a slap. great update, pms please!

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