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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 23 – Nothing is for free)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 23 – Nothing is for free


    Wow okay so is anyone keeping track of how long I’ve been at this oddly awesome place? Any takers…no…ok well I have paid like zero attention to how many days have gone by, but I’m going to take a random guess and say I’ve been here for possibly two weeks maybe. Honestly who cares as long as it’s a day with me and Spencer its all good right?

    I’ve shared Spencer’s bed three nights in a row, and tonight we plan on moving my bunk closer to hers so that they connect together. Spencer has made an effort not to rub up against me at night, but we still have the issue of her thinking my boobs are hand rests. Over all I have only had to have a cold shower once out of those 3 nights.

    Anyways onwards with today’s activities, today we have been given a free day to do as we please, wherever we please…well ‘we’ being the Pacific’s are allowed anywhere that is not already occupied by the Hawks. Its sort a non-official restraining order set up by Arthur after the little prank we pulled. I’d say we got off easy, except for Spencer; she got the disappointed look and shake of the head from her dad. Harsh.


    “Asssshleeeyy, the girls won’t get up” Spencer whined. She’s been doing that a lot lately when the others won’t get their asses out of their bunks. I swear it’s like I’m their mom or would I be the dad? Either way they all do as I say, but that could just be because I’m a little more persistent when it comes to getting what I want.

    “Spence stop whining it’s not attractive and you’ll just have to make them get up” I reply while pulling my pants up. That was a lie, as I find anything Spencer does attractive, she just oozes hotness.

    “If I had my trumpet, I wouldn’t be whining at all!” She says, giving me the ‘I know you thieved it, you little shit’ look. I nearly forgot about that bloody thing, obviously Spencer hadn’t.

    “Ugh fine I’ll get them up. God I’m the trainee here.” I stomped into the open space that housed the four bunks. “GET YOUR ASSES UP NOW!” I hollered, it echoed and everything ha. 5…4…3…2…1…

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    1. That was so worth the wait and first comment I hope. Uh, oh the dreaded L word…up to that point things were going really well. Can’t wait to see if Spencer feels the same or if it was too much too soon. PMS..or whenever you can!!

    2. omg you are leaving me hanging! okay so I definitly just started reading this story um today but I read it straight through in like an hour or so non stop. You had me hooked! so you should definitely post soon. But I guess it was a little soon, but still, spencer said she was feeling the same way anyways right? and when you know, you know. It’s hard to keep those things silent in the heat of the moment

    3. oh man cant beleive it took me this long to read this chapter i am terribly sorry lol but holy hell you left it there? i was like NO!!! lol now my grandma thinks im crazy for yelling at my computer lol anyways whats spencer gonna say? is she gonna freeze up and be like a babling fool or is she gona be like thanks snd keep kissing lol if she did she gets magor points to keep going lol you know how hard it id to play that off lol man pms please i promise it wont take me as long to coment :D

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