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    Not A Story

    I just wanted to thank you all for reading my stories and sticking with me. Unfortunately I’m going to be taking a break to figure some things out. I don’t know when or if I’ll be back and hopefully you will hate me too much. I’m sorry that I can’t give you some fantastic reason; just that this is something I really need to do.

    Thanks for reading and I’m sorry for leaving you hanging with my stories.




    1. Nooooo! I’m so sad to hear this, but I understand that there are some things that come before fanfictions. I hope you get everything taken care of and I hope I will read your stories again. Best of luck with everything!

    2. My mouth is hanging open and I’m in shock.You happen to be one of my favorite writers and I look forward to your updates. That being said I hope this break helps you and brings about some clarity. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you well and thank you for hours of great writing.

    3. oh damn it! the third good writer on a hiatus… grr. well, hopefully we’ll see you back ater on. we’ll wait for you cuz you’re amazing. on my top ten definitely :) good luck with doing what you have to do!!

    4. Hi, very sorry to hear you’re not in a place where you can keep writing. I truly love your stuf…must admit I’m a bit behind but was planning on catching up this weekend. I know I’m going to love the updates but very, very sorry to hear that there won’t be any more for now. Um, good luck I suppose is all I can say right now. Hope things work out OK xx LD

    5. wow sorry to hear this but i completly understand im having a hard time rading all the updates let alone writting with school and a bunch of other crap,hope everything turns out well :D

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