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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 24 – Look what you've done)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 24 – Look what you’ve done


    “I love you” Spencer stiffens the second the confession leaves my lips. It was too soon…

    Shit! She’s not saying anything. That’s a bad thing right, or is it a good thing? What the hell am I meant to do to fix this; it wasn’t just a tiny slip up like calling her dad a loser, no this was a big issue. Why do people always say the wrong thing the second the heat gets turned up a notch?

    I was just about to beg Spencer to talk to me, but she shook her head and reclaimed my lips…what does this mean?

    I’ve just let slip that I love her and she’s trying to get our make out session going again. This isn’t how it’s meant to happen. Spencer is meant to have tears in her eyes because she is so happy. She’s meant to confess her undying love for me. Why isn’t she doing any of those things? This kiss stops now.

    I move my hands to Spencer’s shoulders and push her away; not roughly, but firmly enough that she doesn’t fight it…much. I look into her eyes, trying to figure out what is going on in her mind. No luck, she’s confused and that is all.

    “What’s wrong babe?” Spencer huffs.

    What’s wrong, WHAT’S WRONG! Is she seriously asking me that, I’ve just confessed my love for her and she doesn’t see what’s wrong with this picture? I’m sorry, but no one is that clueless.

    “Spencer didn’t you hear what I just said a second again?” I ask, looking at her in utter disbelief.

    “I heard exactly what you said Ashley. It was just the heat of the moment that made you say it, you didn’t mean it.” She says. Look at her, telling me what I do and do not mean. I don’t go sprouting of the ‘L’ word to everyone, not even during the heated moments.

    “I mean it’s only been two weeks, and you can’t even know what love is at your age.” She continues, apparently not realising that her words might as well be nails, because they don’t half hurt when they sink in.

    I’m not looking at Spencer anymore. I can feel the tears in my eyes, just rimming the edges enough to blur the woods earthy floor.

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