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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 27 – Guess whose back)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 27 – Guess whose back




    I can’t believe I have to go through this shit again. I’ve dealt with it once, and I learnt my lesson. Why does the little creep have to try and go another round with me?

    It could be worse I suppose, it could easily have been one of the other groups passing by, watching mine and Spencer’s ‘show’.

    The next thing I see is the blasted acorn floating towards me and Spencer. I look back up at the demon in mouse’s clothing, its beady little eyes are darting between me and the acorn; his acorn. Can mice swim? Whoa, whoa if you pray in the water does that make it holy? Demons can’t touch holy water right!?

    “Ashley, do not touch the acorn” Spencer warned. Please like I’m that stupid, but the acorn is getting closer to us.

    “I wasn’t planning to geez” And I stick to that, instead I start trying to blow the acorn towards the mouse, but the current is working against…like always. Nothing ever goes my way.

    “Spencer maybe we should just swim for it, and then run away.” I offer. I’m a mean swimmer when I have to be, let me just put that out there. I could have gone pro, but alas I had more interesting offers at the time.

    “Ashley you’re naked for crying out loud!” Spencer gasps. So, It’s not like they never seen a girls body before.

    “What’s your point? Did you see the damage that little bugger did to me the last time, and I was wearing clothes at the time. I ain’t risking it, its fight or flee princess and I’m not sticking around…good luck though.” I reply hurriedly; I can see that plague ridden monster eyeing my goodies.

    I went to pull away, but Spencer held me back.

    “Oh, no you don’t. And you know what my point is…you’re not flashing anything to anyone. And how could you even think of leaving me to fend for myself? Gosh Ashley man up.” Spencer replied, tapping me on my nose.

    “In case you didn’t notice Spencer, I’m a girl…a very vain girl, who doesn’t want to be disfigured by an evil rodent.” I huff, Spencer nods along. I know she’s not really listening, she’s thinking of plan to make both of us happy.

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    1. Phew! Thank god it was only the bloody squirrel! Drama is all well and good but it’s nice if things go smoothly for a while…that was hilarious, I’m looking forward to Ash getting her revenge so PMS!! Pleease :0) *begs*

    2. lol wow i loved it i couldnt stop laughing lol i was realy rotfl lol :P man question…..she only had a shirt on? and she started to chase her back? or did i skip something?i might have skiped something but im sure thats what i read lol :P anyways loveley as always pms please :D

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