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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 28 – Natural Beauty)

    Happy Campers
    Chapter 28 – Natural Beauty

    The trip back was a short one, which makes me think that I may have been slightly over exaggerating before, but then again I was chasing Spencer at quite a speed so who knows.

    Spencer has got a pair of legs on her. I mean shit she was like a freaking bolting rabbit. The second I got close enough to grab her she swerved and then picked up the speed. To be quite honest I’m shattered. I’ve just reached the cabin steps.

    Looking behind me, I can’t see the others. So they are either lost in the woods, or they stopped off for a snack when we ran past the mess hall; the latter being more likely. Anyway with them out of the way for a while, means that I can give Spencer a proper punishment.

    Walking through the cabin doors; the place is eerie silent. So that leaves my question; where the heck is Spencer? Probably hiding under her bunk again…yes this has happened on more than one occasion.

    Thank god we fixed the creak on the door; it ruined so many surprise attacks. I don’t know why I’m even trying to sneak, if Spencer is under the bed then she is going to see my feet…duh. Anyway I tired slipping through the door…


    “Ow! What the hell, Spencer!?” I groan; from my place on the hard floor. Jesus my head is throbbing, what the fuck did she hit me with a brick? Rubbing my head I look up at Spencer; her hands covering her mouth and a pillow at her feet…sure didn’t feel like a pillow.

    “I’m so sorry Ash. I didn’t think it would hurt, I mean it’s a pillow for crying out loud; your pillow to be exact.” Spencer stresses, while kneeling down by my side; stroking my hair. I feel so stupid; I think I may actually be purring.

    I’m so going to milk this. Maybe she’ll rub me better hmmm…

    “Actually thinking about it now…what is in your pillow?” Spencer says. She wasn’t really asking since she was already stuffing her hand inside; pulling out a hard cover book.


    Damn my gutter brain.

    Spencer’s snooping didn’t even register in my brain till she was flipping through the book. Okay so your probably think ‘what’s the harm, it’s just a book’ right, well you’d be wrong.

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    1. First comment? Hope the flu clears up soon…seems like everyones getting sick right now! ‘like a rabbit on crack’ lmao!! Me like jealous spencer! Another fantastic chapter….more please!!

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