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    Happy Campers – (Chapter: 32 – One small step)

    Happy Campers

    Chapter 32 – One small step


    I was quick to get back to the cabin, since I was sure that Spencer’s talk with Madison wouldn’t have lasted for the period of time that I was gone for. Well that and Mr C shouted after me, something about Spencer being temperamental around this time of month. When I looked back he was smirking and shaking his head as though he knew what was waiting for me back at the cabin. If he wasn’t so amazing I’d think he was creepy.

    When I did get back to the room, I found Spencer sitting there on her bed glaring at her hands. The door squeaking to a close caused her head to shoot up, which meant that her glare was now set on me.

    I wonder if I can come up with an excuse fast enough to get away with it. What ever ‘it’ is that’s earning me that look.

    “Hey baby” I cooed, smiling. Maybe buttering her up a bit will work?

    “Don’t you ‘hey baby’ me. What did I say to you before?” Spencer folded her arms across her chest, giving me that ‘don’t even try to guess’ look. Its not one of my favourites, I can tell you that much…even though it is furiously sexy.

    “Umm…you said that Mad…”  I started, before being stopped mid-sentence. It apparently wasn’t the right direction of answering that she was looking for. When is she going to realise that I’m not a bloody psychic.

    “Whoa let me just stop that brain fart right there.” Spencer growled. “You purposely started me up this morning, just to have me run off with Madison for a little talk about ‘denial’. And then you wondered off, even after I told you to stay where you were.” Spencer hissed.

    You know I’m pretty sure we spoke about her talking to me like I’m a child. I mean I can understand that she’s pissed, but my god what the hell is up her ass today.

    “Spencer, chill out. I was talking to your dad, and I came back as soon as I could. What is up with you anyway?” I asked. I hope to hell that she’s just having an off day; because I don’t know what I’ll do if this is going to a monthly occurrence.

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    1. awesome update! i wonder what mr. c meant about spencer and her mood swings? I wish more girls had those types of mood swings, that’s for sure! very hot and I love how Ashley is constantly thinking about Spencer, about the waiting for marriage thing. Great update! And I think you should hire someone to type for you- I’m going to be selfish here. pms when ya can!

    2. hey you stoped posting on the other site? well im glad i get to read it :D i agree with ashley…booyah!! lol it was perfect i wonder whats going on with spencer..hmm idk pms please!!!!

    3. Fantastic as always. I was gonna ask you when the next update was coming but obviously you beat me to it. Congrats on the nephew and sorry to hear ’bout the hand. I have to agree with chelle5432 that it was unexpected but who’s Ash to deny a horny Spencer?!?! Neither of them seemed to be complaining :0) PMS when the hand permits!!

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