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    Happy Birthday To Me!

                    The rough brick cut into my bare back as the girl pushed me into the wall with rough kisses. The bathroom of the club was small and dimly lit but at that moment I didn’t really care. I never did things like this but I was drunk, and she was extremely hot.

                    “Wh – what’s your name?” I managed to ask as she sucked on my pulse point and pushed her hands under my silk halter-top. She cupped my braless breasts in her hands and flicked her thumbs over my already hardening nipples.

                    “Ashley, what’s yours?” She asked, pulling away from my neck and letting her breath wash over my ear, only adding to my arousal.

                    “Spencer,” I breathed out, as she rolled my nipples between her thumb and forefinger again. One of her jean clad thighs fit itself between mine and she pressed up and into me, drawing a moan from my parted lips. I began to ride her thigh as best I could, trying to get as much pressure there as possible as she began to work on my pulse point again.

                    Her hands left my breasts and trailed down my stomach, making me shudder slightly as her fingertips traced over my toned stomach. She hit the top of my black skinny jeans and had the button and zipper pulled down before I could even process what was happening. She pulled them down around my thighs with a tug, revealing my black lace boy shorts. A soft moan left her body as she examined them, rubbing my clit through the already wet cloth, making it impossibly wetter as I panted with need. She latched back onto my neck again as I tried to hold off coming right there on the spot. I thought back to how I had even gotten into this situation.


                    “Spencer, come on, it’s one night, have a little fun.” My best friend Calliah called, grinning as we walked into the club. We were in LA on a business trip which we had just finished successfully and since our plane didn’t leave until noon the next day everyone decided that we should hit the clubs. The last thing I wanted to do was spend the next day on a plane, hung-over but it was hard to be in a bad mood when Calliah was determined to make you have fun.

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    1. Happy BDay!!!!! if i woulda known it was your b-day i woulda written you a one shot like i did for intolerant of intolerance and eagle senior altho….. you did beter than i ever could i loved it pms :D

    2. happy birthday and damn that was hot glad she got ashley’s number or at least lets hope its her number and not the rejection hot line haha j/k. def would like to see what happens next if you write it.

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